
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Insanity of Blind Faith in Mankind

 Ever since the Enlightenment period of history, purportedly educated men and women have long been on a crusade to break mankind of its religion and faith in those things that are unseen.  We see it in every facet of life around us, the struggle to break mankind of its ability to believe in something that is not of itself; something greater.  The intellectuals try to break us of our faith by telling us that there is no possible way to prove that the things contained in scripture actually happened; though they fail to acknowledge that they themselves cannot prove that they did NOT happen.  They tell us that we should not submit to blind faith, and should always and only trust our own senses; for there lies our freedom from faith and religion.  Perhaps most intriguingly, is the fact that though the liberal intellectual community has pushed this doctrinal concept of "only believe your senses" for generations, the reality of it is actually quite the reverse.   They do not want yo

Profane Parisian Performance, Perpetrated Purposefully

 As one who does not regularly watch the Olympics, I do not ordinarily hold much opinion about them as a general rule of thumb.  I mean, apart from the blatantly neo-pagan ritual they hold at Mount Olympus in Greece in order to light the Olympic flame, there isn't ordinarily too much for one to object to on a moral level.  Judge my surprise, when the sight of a bevy of Drag Queens mimicking and mocking the Last Supper was broadcast on international television.  Men dressed as parodies of women, posing about a table to mock the famous image of the Last Supper; with a nude figure in blue representing the ancient Roman pagan deity Bacchus (god of wine) on the table in front of them.  These blasphemers and God-haters don't even TRY to hide their contempt for religion anymore.  To top it all off, the cathedral of Notre Dame has finally been able to unveil its great spire and roof after 4 years, since being destroyed in a great fire; and THIS is how "the community" welcome

Assassination and Asinine Assumptions

 Yesterday Evening, president Donald Trump was the target of an attempted assassination in Pennsylvania at a political rally.  While he himself escaped with relatively mild injuries, One attendee was tragically murdered by the gunman's fire, and 2 more are in critical condition at present.  The gunman himself was killed by return fire from secret service snipers.   After taking a brief moment in prayer for the deceased victim, we will continue. May his soul rest in peace. +++ Listen, my children, to the word of wisdom which has long been avoided in preference of outrage and intrigue:   When you consistently and constantly scream that an individual is "an existential threat to our democracy", and call for your followers and friends to "take him down", you forever abandon the right to act surprised or disturbed when someone makes good your demand.   You cannot constantly work to demonize someone, and then expect others less than yourself to withhold violence in th

ReBuilding Christendom, one Church at a Time

There is currently a building campaign going on in the heart of Rural North Carolina, which strives to rebuild the church and Christendom; which have both suffered much loss as a result of the excesses of the past 50+ years. I will tell you all about this project from the fundraising site: The Missionary Diocese of the Sacred Heart was established in 2016, in response to the loss of faith that the Church has seen over the past several decades. Its mission is to provide truth to a fallen world, a home for those forgotten, and a place where all may encounter Christ at the foot of the cross in His holy sacraments. Our diocese is blessed to be experiencing growth and expansion of our missionary outreaches; and we seek to build physically so that the work we carry out in the name of the Lord may have permanence and a home. To this end, we are seeking to build a (relatively) small cathedral at our Bishop's seat in Ruffin, North Carolina; which will be the mother church of our diocese. It

The Bloated Liar of Fort Worth and the Truth

 Most Sacramental Christians in the English Speaking world have by this point in time heard of the case of Father Philip Johnson from the Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina.  Last year, Fr. Philip was publicly accused and denounced for allegedly "violating the sixth commandment" with the mother superior of the Arlington Carmelite convent in Texas.  Bishop Olson of the Diocese of Fort Worth was vehement in his public pronouncements of Fr. Philip's guilt, despite claiming the investigation was still ongoing; and did all in his power to destroy both the career and reputation of a brother priest in the church of God.   Now that a year has passed, there is good news for Fr. Philip and the church as a whole.  Despite Olson the Odious' best attempts to destroy him, the Diocese of Raleigh, NC has determined that he is completely and utterly innocent of ANY and ALL the accusations made against him by the bishop of Fort Worth (as of June 25, 2024).  Though Fr. Philip's repu