The Insanity of Blind Faith in Mankind

 Ever since the Enlightenment period of history, purportedly educated men and women have long been on a crusade to break mankind of its religion and faith in those things that are unseen.  We see it in every facet of life around us, the struggle to break mankind of its ability to believe in something that is not of itself; something greater.  The intellectuals try to break us of our faith by telling us that there is no possible way to prove that the things contained in scripture actually happened; though they fail to acknowledge that they themselves cannot prove that they did NOT happen.  They tell us that we should not submit to blind faith, and should always and only trust our own senses; for there lies our freedom from faith and religion.  Perhaps most intriguingly, is the fact that though the liberal intellectual community has pushed this doctrinal concept of "only believe your senses" for generations, the reality of it is actually quite the reverse.   They do not want you to believe your own senses, of course not; they want you to believe what they TELL you your senses are experiencing.  A prime example of this can be seen in the political landscape of the United States today; in which politicians regularly lie to their constituents and tell them not to believe the evidence of their eyes and ears, bit to trust what said politician claims to be true about themselves.  The media encourages and assists in this, inflaming violent rhetoric and incendiary headlines; using semantics to try to turn a truth into a lie by popular acclaim.  Unfortunately for them, the truth remains true, whether or not anyone believes it; and a lie remains a lie, even if everyone believes it.  

Presently our media in the US tells us that we need to stand up for the people in Venezuela, who had a democratic election in which one person won; yet the establishment party installed their own candidate into office instead, rendering the votes of millions of citizens null and void, not to mention pointless.   Wherever else could one look to see an example of that sort of electoral corruption in the world?  Where Oh Where shall we look?  Perhaps the American political party who crow about 'protecting democracy' could shed a ray of light into that dark corner.  

Let's be frank, dear friends- any person or persons who demand you sacrifice your God-given right to self-determination and to question what you are told; has no business in any position of leadership, no matter how small.   All people have the right to decide for themselves what they shall or shall not do, and what they believe.   That does not negate the negative consequences of negative actions which may be undertaken, but it is one's eternal right to self-determination.  We cannot absolve ourselves of the responsibilities associated with our choices, we must embrace and recognize when we have caused ourselves or others harm.  

And I do find it a modern miracle, that media can find the absolute dregs of human morality in both political parties, and somehow manage to transfigure them into near-deified messiah figures, incapable of mortal errors.  Perhaps soon the Republican nominee will be marked as the epitome of marital fidelity.  Perhaps soon the newly-installed Democratic nominee will be marked as a moderate overseer who definitely was NEVER appointed to oversee the crisis at the Southern border by the current president on live TV.  

Who knows what can happen if people have enough blind faith in fallible human beings?  

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