Profane Parisian Performance, Perpetrated Purposefully

 As one who does not regularly watch the Olympics, I do not ordinarily hold much opinion about them as a general rule of thumb.  I mean, apart from the blatantly neo-pagan ritual they hold at Mount Olympus in Greece in order to light the Olympic flame, there isn't ordinarily too much for one to object to on a moral level.  Judge my surprise, when the sight of a bevy of Drag Queens mimicking and mocking the Last Supper was broadcast on international television.  Men dressed as parodies of women, posing about a table to mock the famous image of the Last Supper; with a nude figure in blue representing the ancient Roman pagan deity Bacchus (god of wine) on the table in front of them.  These blasphemers and God-haters don't even TRY to hide their contempt for religion anymore.  To top it all off, the cathedral of Notre Dame has finally been able to unveil its great spire and roof after 4 years, since being destroyed in a great fire; and THIS is how "the community" welcome it back.  Oh I hear some who say "it's coincidence" or that "it's unfair to say they planned it that way"; but the cathedral has been scheduled for 2 years now, to unveil the repaired roof just in time for the Olympics; and you know everyone in Paris (if not all France) knew about it.  

These people who actively participated in a public display of blasphemy and Christ-hatred should be ashamed of themselves; and those who enabled, promoted, and permitted this profane display should be even more greatly ashamed.  Oh yes, they think it "cool" to mock Christ, our Lady, and the church, because we don't fight back against them with violence.  But would you see these same persons dressing in burkas and behaving similarly in an anti-Islamic setting?  Allah forbid!   Heaven knows they would never DARE to defame and profane anything to do with Islam, because they FEAR it.  Christianity, however- open season.  People who permit such blasphemous and blatantly sacrilegious displays will find their reward- momentary accolades from a society that already hates God and then soon forgets what they offered them; and after that, the eternal judgement. 

Let us pray that our Lord open their hearts and minds to the reality of their wickedness, that he may show them the path to eternal salvation and redemption offered through him, ALONE.


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