Assassination and Asinine Assumptions

 Yesterday Evening, president Donald Trump was the target of an attempted assassination in Pennsylvania at a political rally.  While he himself escaped with relatively mild injuries, One attendee was tragically murdered by the gunman's fire, and 2 more are in critical condition at present.  The gunman himself was killed by return fire from secret service snipers.  

After taking a brief moment in prayer for the deceased victim, we will continue.

May his soul rest in peace. +++

Listen, my children, to the word of wisdom which has long been avoided in preference of outrage and intrigue:  

When you consistently and constantly scream that an individual is "an existential threat to our democracy", and call for your followers and friends to "take him down", you forever abandon the right to act surprised or disturbed when someone makes good your demand.   You cannot constantly work to demonize someone, and then expect others less than yourself to withhold violence in the name of your cause.  Donald Trump and his supporters are not an "existential threat to democracy", but those who are willing to use violence and murder in order to silence opposition and dissent are.  Those who demand the "other side" be put to death in order to "save democracy", are the very threat to the democracy that they claim to be saving.  

And worse still, that there should be such a number of people on the other side bemoaning the fact that Trump was NOT killed, having preferred to see the murder of a candidate for president rather than legitimate debate and voting.  This is how democracy ends, with calls for assassination and sorrow when it fails.  Democracy is not at stake in this election and time, however human decency, empathy, and man's salvation ARE.  Listen to me carefully and clearly when I say this:

If you demand that someone be killed because you don't like them/ disagree with them, you are NOT a Christian.  If you grieve because an assassination attempt on them failed because you wanted them dead; you are NOT a Christian.  Proclaiming love and yet inciting hate and demanding the death of those who oppose you, you are NOT a Christian. 

 As the Apostle John wrote in his first Epistle: "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?  And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also."   (1 John 4:20-21)

Love God, Love your brother.  There is no other way to salvation, and failure to do both will find you cast aside on the day of judgement with Satan and all the reprobate spirits of evil. 

Here Endeth the Lesson.

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