ReBuilding Christendom, one Church at a Time

There is currently a building campaign going on in the heart of Rural North Carolina, which strives to rebuild the church and Christendom; which have both suffered much loss as a result of the excesses of the past 50+ years. I will tell you all about this project from the fundraising site:

The Missionary Diocese of the Sacred Heart was established in 2016, in response to the loss of faith that the Church has seen over the past several decades. Its mission is to provide truth to a fallen world, a home for those forgotten, and a place where all may encounter Christ at the foot of the cross in His holy sacraments. Our diocese is blessed to be experiencing growth and expansion of our missionary outreaches; and we seek to build physically so that the work we carry out in the name of the Lord may have permanence and a home. To this end, we are seeking to build a (relatively) small cathedral at our Bishop's seat in Ruffin, North Carolina; which will be the mother church of our diocese. It will be a place where all manner of sacraments shall be celebrated, priests ordained, Holy Oils consecrated; and also where men in priestly formation may have practical formation in a parish setting. As Archbishop of this growing Diocese, I pledge of my own funds $5,000 towards the building of this Cathedral church; to be named in honor of Christ the King. Let us work together to build up the Kingdom of God, and so that our cathedral may stand as testimony to His everlasting glory!

The names of all donors who contribute to this project will be placed into a special book which will be kept at a side altar, and Mass will be offered once a month for the intentions of our gracious benefactors and their families.

If you wish to help with this project to restore Christendom and bring back the lost sense of mystery to the sacred; donations can be made by the donation site on Gofundme- 

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