
Showing posts from September, 2024

How do you solve a problem like Migration?

 This evening after listening to some reports about illegal immigration to the United States, this question floated through my mind in the Julie Andrews sort of sing-song manner that some of you might have heard when you read the title of this post.  Whether the numbers are up or down at this point is completely immaterial, the truth is that over 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States over the past 3.5 years; and that number is only official encounters with Border Patrol, not including people who have entered undetected.  When one approaches members of the 2 prime political entities of the US and asks about immigration, you will usually get one of 2 manner of responses: 1. We need to scrap the immigration system as is and create something new where anyone can come in at any time for any reason.  2. We need to close all the borders and stop this here and now.    Perhaps unsurprisingly, these 2 mentalities spar furiously at the highest level of our government; thoug

Of Governors and Gangsters

 Yesterday a surprise hit piece from CNN (and subsequent media outlets) accused the Republican candidate for Governor here in North Carolina of making crude, sexual, and racist comments on pornography websites 10+ years ago.   It's hardly surprising that a hit piece would come out at about this time in campaign season, as it is the last day that candidates are able to drop out of the race and have their names removed from the ballot; and also the start of early voting here as well.  Needless to say, the crude, inflammatory and preschool grade level of 'research' that went into the report from CNN is indeed designed and intended to help sway the outcome of our gubernatorial election in favor of the Democrat candidate instead.  One hopes that CNN and their media assistants have registered their donation to Josh Stein's campaign after this story, because that is exactly what it is.  The basic accusation Robinson faces is that someone using his photo, claiming his email add

Ordinations and Construction

 This past Saturday, the Diocese of which I am part held its ordinations to the priesthood.  This year we had 3 goodly candidates for orders, all sincere men who have expressed clearly over their years of formation a desire to serve and build up the church of God.  The service was obliged to be held at St. Timothy's Episcopal church in Winston-Salem; due to the fact that none of our own chapels at present would be able to hold the number of people who attended the service. I and the entire diocese are eternally grateful to the rector and people of St. Timothy's for allowing us to use their smaller chapel (to the side of the main church).  Words cannot possibly express our gratitude for their friendship and mutual work over the years.   The smaller chapel at St. Timothy's is not as small as it may sound, it's actually a quite decently sized church, and was the original church that their congregation started in many decades ago.  As I myself stood in the nave of the churc

School Shootings and Common Sense

 This past week, the state of Georgia was gripped with what is always a horrific tragedy whenever it occurs: a school shooting.  While we pray for the recovery of those injured, the repose of the souls of the victims killed, and justice on those responsible for this crime; it is worthwhile to remember that crimes such as these are never an appropriate time nor place for political propaganda-ing.  In the wake of any school shooting, there always seems to be the eternal argument between the Left and the Right; one side arguing for increased gun control, the other opposing it as unconstitutional.  Perhaps ironically enough, both sides are correct and incorrect in equal measures.   While it is true that our founding fathers gave us the 2nd amendment in order that we might be able to defend ourselves against enemies, both domestic and foreign; it is untrue that they would have likely intended people to carry large rifles into public eateries and grocery stores on a daily basis.  Likewise, w