Of Governors and Gangsters

 Yesterday a surprise hit piece from CNN (and subsequent media outlets) accused the Republican candidate for Governor here in North Carolina of making crude, sexual, and racist comments on pornography websites 10+ years ago.   It's hardly surprising that a hit piece would come out at about this time in campaign season, as it is the last day that candidates are able to drop out of the race and have their names removed from the ballot; and also the start of early voting here as well.  Needless to say, the crude, inflammatory and preschool grade level of 'research' that went into the report from CNN is indeed designed and intended to help sway the outcome of our gubernatorial election in favor of the Democrat candidate instead.  One hopes that CNN and their media assistants have registered their donation to Josh Stein's campaign after this story, because that is exactly what it is. 

The basic accusation Robinson faces is that someone using his photo, claiming his email address, and using a user name that is the same as one he used on a separate site (unrelated) made horrible comments on pornographic sites.  While I do not doubt that the man has likely been on sites that are pornographic in nature (as have all candidates for public office, I would dare state as undeniable fact); the media completely precluded one simple explanation that no one even raises or considers in their breathless reporting on this matter:  It is entirely possible that the profiles and comments in question are not from Robinson himself, but rather an impostor.  Now that may seem far-fetched to some, but consider this: we have had entire television series, investigative programs, in-depth news investigations, and more about online impersonators; AKA "catfishing", "Spoofing", and other scams that steal people's identities online with profiles designed to scam and otherwise defraud people online.  Some will argue that this is a far-fetched concept; but I myself have been victim to both my own identity being stolen in online profiles, as well as being targeted BY such scammers.

I have personally had political donations registered in my name made to the Democratic party, while I myself am a staunch, registered Independent who chooses NOT to make political donations.  I have had my information on Facebook stolen and one or two accounts set up using my name, pictures, and personal details.  I have been contacted many times by people who want to "friend" me online or talk, who end up being scammers using other people's identities.  It is entirely possible, and I dare to say highly probable; that the accounts which CNN claim are "absolutely" Mark Robinson's, are in fact fake accounts set up to (in the old term) "catfish" people.  It is also worthwhile to note, that CNN does not report WHERE they got their information from; and that Mr. Robinson's opponent for Governor currently serves as our Attorney General, and holds the state's investigative authority in his hand: which he has already exercised in demanding an investigation on Robinson's wife- take that information as you will. 

I will also address this point- even if Mr. Robinson had made some strange comments on an online forum over 10 years ago, does that reflect who he is today?  Do Kamala Harris' claims from only 5 years ago in which she called Joe Biden a racist and a rapist represent her views today?  Do the claims of congressional Democrats who 10 years ago referred to certain ethnic groups of people as "thugs" represent who they are today?   I have a newsflash for you asinine, knee-jerk assumption junkies: people change.  Their views, their positions, their ideas, their hopes, their dreams, their understandings: all of these change over time with life experience and events.  To hold Mark Robinson accountable for something someone who Claimed to be him (without proving it to actually be him) said from over 10 years ago; is not only a mark of considerably logical fallacy, it is also a slap in the face to all humanity.  You deny those you hate the ability to grow and change; yet proclaim that your own people can change literally overnight, on the basis of an election year.  

Here Endeth the Lesson.  

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