School Shootings and Common Sense

 This past week, the state of Georgia was gripped with what is always a horrific tragedy whenever it occurs: a school shooting.  While we pray for the recovery of those injured, the repose of the souls of the victims killed, and justice on those responsible for this crime; it is worthwhile to remember that crimes such as these are never an appropriate time nor place for political propaganda-ing. 

In the wake of any school shooting, there always seems to be the eternal argument between the Left and the Right; one side arguing for increased gun control, the other opposing it as unconstitutional.  Perhaps ironically enough, both sides are correct and incorrect in equal measures.   While it is true that our founding fathers gave us the 2nd amendment in order that we might be able to defend ourselves against enemies, both domestic and foreign; it is untrue that they would have likely intended people to carry large rifles into public eateries and grocery stores on a daily basis.  Likewise, while it is true that increased gun control might be able to stem the flow of gun-related violence for some things; it is also true that places where most mass-fatality gun crimes occur, are already places which prohibit the carrying, discharge, or brandishing of any form of firearm.  

Every school in the United States is, by state or federal law, a gun-free zone.  Not just the buildings themselves, but a certain amount of area (defined by designation) in physical proximity to the school's buildings.  There are ample news stories of individuals who are arrested for having a firearm on a school campus, who are not prosecuted for terroristic threats or for shooting anything; but are charged solely for carrying a gun on a school campus, which is a federal crime itself.  If people followed the law as those advocating for increased gun control would wish, then there would be no need for further gun control, would there?  And if we have to increase control of guns because people aren't following the law enough at present, what makes you believe that the same people would follow new legislation anyways?

The truth of the matter is this- no matter what safeguards or laws you throw in its way, evil will always try to find a way in; to destroy and decimate the children of God.  This is why we as members of the church fight against the evil of this world, to encourage mankind that life is indeed worth living; and that no one has the right to take the lives of the innocent through violence.  We can never accomplish the changing of men's hearts and minds through the word of the law, only through the spirit of the law which is the spirit of Christ our Savior himself; who has said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life".  

So before you go screaming about gun control one way or the other, consider this- it is not through temporal legislation that the kingdom of God and peace is built; but through the sincere workings of the Holy Spirit in all our lives, leading us to peace, understanding, and love of God and Neighbor.

Here Endeth the Lesson. 

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