How do you solve a problem like Migration?

 This evening after listening to some reports about illegal immigration to the United States, this question floated through my mind in the Julie Andrews sort of sing-song manner that some of you might have heard when you read the title of this post. 

Whether the numbers are up or down at this point is completely immaterial, the truth is that over 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States over the past 3.5 years; and that number is only official encounters with Border Patrol, not including people who have entered undetected.  When one approaches members of the 2 prime political entities of the US and asks about immigration, you will usually get one of 2 manner of responses: 1. We need to scrap the immigration system as is and create something new where anyone can come in at any time for any reason.  2. We need to close all the borders and stop this here and now.    Perhaps unsurprisingly, these 2 mentalities spar furiously at the highest level of our government; though you will never see either win out in the end.  And why is that you might ask?  The truth to that question, is that politicians do not exist to SOLVE problems; they only exist to DISCUSS and potentially CREATE even more by policy change or creation.  If politicians actually solved problems rather than constantly talking about them, then they would have no political platform to run on for election, re-election, etc.  They are always "going to do something", and never quite arrive at the "something" in the end.

Immigration is a human fact, that has existed ever since time began.  Humans migrated, much like animals; due to local climate shifts, hunting patterns, to seek out better quality of life, to find a new beginning, and more.  When societies and cities began forming, people gathered together and developed rules and laws which those who wished to be part of that society would be expected to follow.  Those who refused, would be excluded from the society and free to find another or start their own.  That "starting their own", is the reason why many towns and cities in our own country got started, and is a practice as ancient as it is still oddly current.  One of the rules which the American society established for itself, was linked to an ancient Roman practice of assimilation of immigrants.  We would allow limited numbers of immigrants to come into the United States with their own culture and practices and faiths; so long as they agreed to uphold the laws of the United States and to become American citizens, no longer subject or loyal to foreign powers or ideologies.  That is why for almost 2 centuries of US history, Roman Catholics were looked down on as second-class citizens; because they looked to the Bishop of Rome for their spiritual lives, and not a power here in the States.  

Placing thresholds on the number of immigrants into the country may seem to be a heartless, even horrific concept; given the number of people we are being told every day want to come here for asylum, but has anyone ever asked the following questions: Why do they want to come only here, and nowhere else in the world?   Why do they all claim asylum, even those from countries that are supposed to be doing well?  Why are the citizens of the United States forced to foot the bill for services and assistance given to people who come here under such circumstances?

There are more questions than those, but there are some surprisingly simple answers.  Most people who have come here during the course of the current presidential administration did so simply because it was the easiest place to immigrate to illegally; a fact which was originally promoted and celebrated by the administration when they assumed office.  That is not to say that many did not have other valid reasons for coming, but the reason they all came in such numbers in such brief time was due to the vagueness and ineptitude of the federal government's handling of the Border.  They come and claim asylum, because they are told that is the way to get absolutely accepted into the US.  Previously, asylum was granted only to people of specific regions, and only under specific circumstances, for extreme causes; however the current administration has changed the terminology they use so "asylum" means little more than just a term thrown about like "I love you" at a celebrity's wedding.  The last question is perhaps the most important for the people of the United States, and is the one so often pointed to as "racist" and "xenophobic" by the side who want to completely dismantle immigration.  

The reason that limitations exist for migration to the US has nothing to do with racism, or xenophobia; they exist because the federal government has an obligation to the citizens of this country to ensure that they are protected from any potential outside threats, but also that those who wish to come and be part of this society are able to be absorbed in an organic, and natural way into the communities they settle in.  If you throw thousands upon thousands of people from a foreign nation, who do not speak the same language, have the same concept of law, have the same principles, have vastly different dietary traditions- into a community at one time; they will not be able to be absorbed into the community.  Now I know that everyone has heard the sound bite of Donald Trump referring to Haitian Immigrants "eating the cats, eating the pets", by now.  While I do not agree with him in many regards, he makes a point of my argument.  My Father and Mother grew up in Florida many decades ago, and lived among and worked with immigrants from Haiti, Cuba, and other nations.  Other nations and cultures apart from the US do not have the same absolute delineation between pet and produce that we have here in the States.  And for the record, there are examples of Haitian immigrants around the Springfield, Ohio area eating animals that some would consider pets; that is not on them.  It is an indictment against a corrupt government abusing an already flawed immigration system, and dumping vast numbers of immigrants into small communities; where the immigrants have never been informed of the laws, the culture, the language, or anything about where they're placed really.  

I have listened to hours of people testifying as to their experiences with illegal immigrants who have come here over the past 3.5 years, and the majority of them all have similar mindsets: we are happy to welcome people in, but the government has forced too much on already economically strapped communities in too little time; all in the name of supposed "amnesty".   

 Instead of an open border where anyone can cross at any time for any reason and expect the American citizenry to pay for them to be here, there need to be checks in place to ensure that anyone who wishes to come to the United States is going to be a contributing member of society.  In short, they need to make sure that they will become AMERICAN citizens; not simply resident aliens whom the progressive party keep carting out every election year to use as part of their platform for power.  We need to end this insane notion that immigrants are "protected people" who American citizens have to pay in order to house, clothe, feed, educate, provide healthcare for; and allow them to be absorbed into our society, so that they can be what has always been promised to those who desire to immigrate here: Americans.  Unfortunately given the current political powers in charge, we are never likely to see that happen.   They will never grant illegal immigrants citizenship, because once they are citizens; they can't be threatened with deportation if they don't do what the political party commands them to do.  The progressives in power have imported what is for them, a new slave class: a new class of those to do the menial, dirty jobs that only the scullery maids and field hands should be doing.  To quote the former speaker of the house "who's going to pick our crops?"  

Pardon my candor and frankness, but I much prefer the organic welcoming of new American Citizens in our communities; than the return of slaves on plantations that the Progressive party is so desperately trying to revive.   I would much rather see the people who have fled here from persecution in Colombia become contributing members of our society with the same rights as other citizens, because they ARE citizens; than having ghettos filled with foreign nationals who are ignorant of the language and laws of their host state, and whom the federal government demands taxpayers foot the bill for their upkeep.  My plea, both as a citizen and a pastor- please, limit the flow of migration so that we can easily welcome people into our communities with open arms.  We are ready and willing to do so; but you cannot dump vast amounts of people into small towns and just expect us to adapt.  You help no one in doing so, and only inspire hatred and division among all people.  But then again, hatred and division is one of the end games of the politicians' work. 

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