Statehood and Stupidity

 This week, the governments of Spain, Ireland, and Norway announced their joint decision to recognize a "Palestinian State", with the present Palestinian Authority as its legitimate government.  While on the surface there is the thinnest of a veneer of civility, this action demonstrates just how much hatred and animosity many still hold for Jews and the State of Israel as a whole.  The facts of the matter are simple, yet everyone who wants to be a 'social justice warrior' seem to have forgotten, so let us review:

The modern state of Israel was established in 1948, following a failed attempt by the Arab nations of the Middle East to destroy the Jewish population of the British "mandate of Palestine", following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.  This attempt to wipe out the Jews in the Middle East failed, and as they retreated; the Arab authorities encouraged, coerced, convinced, and forced non-Jewish citizens to leave their homes in the area that is Israel, with the mantra that they would sooner die than be ruled by the infidel (Jews, in this case), in what they now blame on Israel and call "Nakba".     There has never been a 'state' of Palestine in the history of the world.  The term Palestine was coined by the Roman governors in honor of the people of the Philistines who inhabited what is today Gaza; and were of Greek descent.  This was done to deny the people of Judea and Israel even their national identity, as punishment for revolting against the Roman Empire's rule over them.  Modern so-called Palestinians come principally from the region of Jordan, having been expelled from the nation of Jordan because they would not live peacefully with the other tribes who inhabit that land.  Israel to its credit, recognizes that there are non-Jews and others who have resided within its territories for a long time; and have given up much land which they have by right of conquest and by international designation, so that the people can have a peaceful coexistence.  Israel gave to those who call themselves "Palestinians" the entirety of Gaza and portions of the West Bank for their own, with the entirety of Gaza being recognized as self-governing; and Israel helping to supply its needs so that it could build itself up as a State.  Palestinians were not satisfied with this, and so we come to the installment of Hamas as the leaders of the land of Gaza.  Immediately Israel shut down the open border with Gaza, to limit the chances of the known and self-professed terrorist organization from killing Jews (which is part of their charter); yet Israel still continued to help provide for the people of Gaza and their infrastructure, though such things were hijacked by Hamas so they could tunnel and terrorize.  

Make no mistake about it- Gaza and the "Palestinian" state are governed and controlled by terrorists.  They have made it abundantly clear they will not live with, nor abide the existence of Jews; so how can the act of the governments of Spain, Norway, and Ireland be seen as anything less than a declaration of utter hatred for Israel as a whole?   They proclaim to search for peace and want a 2-state solution, oh yes; everybody says that.   However the entire western world seems to have forgotten that prior to Hamas and Gaza declaring war on Israel,  the Palestinians had their own state.  It was self-governing, there was no oversight from the Israeli authorities; Gaza WAS the independent "Palestinian" state that everyone claims they want.  Imagine the absolute, sheer lunacy of these men, claiming they want a State for people who have willfully and gleefully started a war by an act of genocide!!  Is that really all one needs to do in order to be recognized as an independent state by the world leaders?  Commit horrific atrocities against innocent people, start a war to get your own people killed while you literally hide under them beneath the ground, and voila:                insta-statehood?  

The fact that these men have the nerve to stand before the world and proclaim that the people who began a war to destroy an entire sovereign nation and innocent people, have the "right to a State of their own"; is an act of hubris which sickens the heart and stomach of anyone who has any shred of decency left in this sick world.  

Yet another demonstration of this evil world's addiction to a culture of death, violence, hatred, deceit, and wickedness. 

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