Statehood and Stupidity
This week, the governments of Spain, Ireland, and Norway announced their joint decision to recognize a "Palestinian State", with the present Palestinian Authority as its legitimate government. While on the surface there is the thinnest of a veneer of civility, this action demonstrates just how much hatred and animosity many still hold for Jews and the State of Israel as a whole. The facts of the matter are simple, yet everyone who wants to be a 'social justice warrior' seem to have forgotten, so let us review: The modern state of Israel was established in 1948, following a failed attempt by the Arab nations of the Middle East to destroy the Jewish population of the British "mandate of Palestine", following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. This attempt to wipe out the Jews in the Middle East failed, and as they retreated; the Arab authorities encouraged, coerced, convinced, and forced non-Jewish citizens to leave their homes in the area that is Israel,...