Meticulous Methodist Melodrama and More

 So the General Conference of the United Methodist Church decided this past week, that they would lift the church's ban on openly gay clergy, broaden the church's definition on marriage, and extend to deacons the right to baptize and consecrate the elements of Communion. 

Quite the few days they had, no?  

While the traditionalist world is loosing its collective mind over the 'gay clergy' matter, they overlook simple facts that make the situation worse than it truly seems.  There have always been gay clergy in every church, and there always will be; because it is not something that people simply, actively choose for themselves.  No, what is worse is what is done WITH who and what one may be in this life.  Rather than simply expressing "we are clergy and gay" and going back to worshiping the Lord in the traditions handed to them; the UMC has decided that it needs to change everything in order to make a pronounced statement about their acceptance of gay clergy.  Oh it's not enough that clergy can be gay and have a partner; no, the UMC has to have rainbow stoles, flags, paraments, vestments, and more.  In short, the church has skipped simply being a church that accepts gay people as equals; and has blown full steam ahead into the "queer supremacy" phase of progressive blasphemy.  Rather than simply expressing a desire and dedication to treating all people as equals, they have turned themselves into just another "gay church" like the Metropolitan Community Church: a church which is based on sexual preferences and identity, rather than worship of the crucified and risen Lord.   

Perhaps even more damning, is the fact that the General Conference decided that it was going to get these passed into practice for the UMC, at any and all costs it might take.   Even to the point of splitting the entire Communion in half and driving faithful Christians, Pastors, and parishes into exile so that they no longer can pester the hierarchy with their concerns about whether or not they're following the book of discipline; which up until this week, all Methodists have been required to do so.  The entire issue is summed up simply in this- the people who gloatingly passed all these motions in general conference, have gleefully sacrificed the entire essence of the United Methodist Church's tradition, structure, bylaws, and faith; and they did so in the name of "inclusion".   An "inclusion" mind you, which demanded anyone of differing opinions or thought to depart the church 'or else'. 

As one who grew up United Methodist, and was very active in UMC youth conferences; I had a front row seat to some of the beginnings of this whole insanity.  During one such conference it was expressed very clearly to me, both in words as well as deeds; that the UMC as an organization had long surpassed its "sell-by" date, and had expired into the odious winds which now fill its halls.  

As for the expanded role of deacons in the UMC now,  there has always been provision in sacred tradition for Deacons to baptize people, that's not an issue.  However continuing their goal of uprooting any semblance of traditional or true faith practice, the conference decided to give deacons the power to consecrate the bread and wine of Communion.  This has NEVER been the practice in ANY Christian denomination, and is repugnant to the New Testament and the words of Christ.  However I imagine they're making concession for economy's sake, since they're losing out on most of the money they previously enjoyed before deciding to split the church in half.  After all, only pastors in the UMC are paid positions, deacons and so forth are volunteers.  It's much easier to simply give someone who you're not paying the ability to fulfill the whole job, rather than paying someone who's actually qualified for the position, yes?   The UMC organization has been withholding many people from ordination for years, because ordaining them means they have to go on the payroll and be enrolled in the retirement benefits plan.  Like with most large church organizations, all the decisions are based on MONEY rather than Christ. 

Instead of focusing on progressive ideals and money, I suggest Churches focus on the Christian Faith and what Christ commanded us to do in the Gospels.  Any other course of action risks the dignity of the faith and the ultimate salvation of souls.  

Here Endeth the Lesson.  

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