Butker Benedictine Backlash, Antisemitic Anarchists Angry!

 This Past week, a member of the Kansas City Chiefs' (American football) team was invited to give a commencement speech at Benedictine College in Kansas.  Speaking to fellow Roman Catholics in the graduating class and gathered, he addressed what he saw as problems with society today; which reflect his beliefs and the values which the Roman church has always held.   While at any point in history prior to 2008 this may have gone unheralded and of no great importance; suddenly to the leftist agitators in the United States, Harrison Butker has become the icon of everything wrong with the Christian faith and conservative values, almost overnight.  The most disheartening part of the entire ongoing saga is not so much the reaction to anything the man actually SAID in his speech; but that the entire "progressive" world is loosing its collective mind over what media outlets have proclaimed he MEANT by what he said.   In short, those screaming "racist, misogynist" etc. about Mr. Butker's speech, have not actually listened to it themselves.  Instead, they rely on fictitious  summaries given to them by media outlets who have a vested interest in inflaming the ardent passion of progressive liberals towards anger and hatred of anyone who doesn't agree with them.   This blatant intellectual laziness is inexcusable in our modern world which proclaims to be so educated and enlightened.  

However beyond this, it is truly ironic to see that the same people who have been arguing that AntiSemitic and AntiIsrael protesters on college campuses should not have to suffer any negative consequences for their destruction, physical violence, and law-breaking; are now foaming at the mouth demanding that this man, who gave a simple speech promoting what he believes is best for society, be barred from society and never work in the NFL again.  The height of the Irony and Hypocrisy of the so-called "progressives" who demand everything they say and do themselves is "protected speech"; yet deny anyone else of a differing view the same privilege and protection under law.  There is one major difference, if no one cared to know: Unlike the AntiSemitic protests going on at college campuses across the Western world, Harrison Butker did not call for violence.  He did not proclaim an entire race of people to be evil, unlike the proud Hamas supporters proclaiming "from the river to the sea".  He did not even tell people to rise up and fight against "oppression".  No.  This man simply wanted to encourage people to live out their lives as a gift from Almighty God, however that may play out in time.  How many of us spend our time trying to force life to go a certain way, only to realize that we were never meant to do things that way!  The entire point of his speech was to simply encourage people to be strong, courageous, and to make difficult choices to live out their lives as THEY see fit, and as they believe God would have them to do.  

Might you disagree with his views on "pride" month, parenting, and matrimony?  Surely.  No one ever said everyone has to agree on ever single point of life, except for the progressive heresy.  

However, to seek to denigrate and destroy a person who simply wants to encourage men and women to live their lives courageously, despite wicked and abusive leaders and ideologies in the world today; is not only counter-intuitive, but is the Hallmark of the hypocrisy of the leftist, progressive heresy which proclaims itself, and only itself as truth- to be enforced by violence and hatred. 

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