The Commerce of Christ at Christmas?

In just under a month, Christians will gather in crowded, candlelit churches on Christmas Eve to celebrate the great feast of our Savior's birth. Recently, some clergy friends of mine have directed me to an interesting little thing that the Episcopal Church's National Cathedral in DC has decided to do for Christmas Eve this year. Are they going to bring in the homeless so that they have a warm place to sleep that night? No. Are they going to actually preach the Christ whom they are obliged to by the book of common prayer? No. Are they going to charge people to attend Christmas Eve Mass and receive Christ? YES! You heard that correctly, the National Cathedral in Washington, DC; has decided to CHARGE people to attend a worship service on Christmas Eve. Now some will defend this move as an attempt to control crowd levels or such; but that goes against the very essence of the Christian faith and the nature of cathedrals themselves. The ...