Traffic Stops and Papal Flops

 If you've lived in the south long enough, you've been pulled over for a traffic stop at some point most likely.  When the officer/ trooper explains their reason for stopping you, there is always a "tell" that indicates they really only pulled you over because they could: and that is the famous point, usually given at the end of a brief list, that you "were swerving a little".  It's the accusation that gives a ground for every other thing they may want to write you a ticket on, because it is the one point which NO ONE is capable of proving incorrect.  Simply put, there is no human being on the face of this earth who is capable of driving a motor vehicle perfectly parallel to the street lines at all times.  Even if every other accusation they level at you falls by the wayside; they still have that one "gotcha" they can fall back on.

Recently, the Bishop of Rome decided to sack the Bishop of Tyler, Texas.  When giving his justifications for doing so, he claimed 2 basic excuses: 

1. some financial irregularities- given that the bishop himself does not directly handle diocesan finances, and given Rome's own proclivities to financial corruption, this one seems hypocritical at best and defamatory at worst.   

2. an alleged breakdown in 'communication' between the bishop, clergy, and faithful.  This one is the "you were swerving a bit" accusation; since it only requires a perceived miscommunication in order to be "proven". 

Essentially, Bishop Strickland of Tyler was fired by the Vatican because he questioned and challenged the Bishop of Rome's multiple plans and experiments to undermine those teachings and traditions which make the Roman Catholic Church what it is.  The hierarchy and liberals love to say that no one can question the pope because Francis is God's representative; but that violates the dignity of the Christian person enshrined by the damnable second Vatican Council they all cling to for bloody life.  You cannot tell people that they should question and debate everything, then tell them they're out of line and fire them when the questioning comes around to YOU.  The bishop of Rome is making others stand surety for the checks his fat mouth writes in abundance to creditors of this age; and then exacting revenge on them when they cannot help but default on the payment of his lunacy.

The bishop of Rome is a heretic, and has no legitimate claim to be a representative of God.  Let him be the vicar of Pachamama, that idol he so loves; and let him leave the Christian faith he has long since abandoned alone.  

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