Imagination and Idiocy

 Imagine you live in one of the smallest countries in the world, surrounded by larger nations who have repeatedly vowed to destroy you and your country.  

 Imagine groups of people who violently assault you and members of your family on a consistent basis; while claiming YOU are the one who is committing a crime. 

Imagine your children being burned alive; your sisters and mothers brutally raped and butchered; your family and friends mutilated and dragged into the dirt streets and left for dead; your neighbors beaten to death while their children watch, then having the children either kidnapped and held hostage or raped and videos of it sent to family members. 

Imagine your country finding its footing and launching a defense against people who want you and everyone like you dead; to protect the innocent and eliminate terrorists who prey on the innocent. 

Imagine the same terrorists using innocent women and children as human shields so that when you wipe out a missile placement, innocent lives are also lost.  

Imagine the world's press descending in droves to blame YOU for the violence and loss of life, and telling you that "you had it coming".

Imagine world leaders demanding that YOU and you alone cease fire, so they can bus aid into the camps of those men who have committed unspeakable acts of horror against you; so that they will be able to carry on their war of terror against you.

Imagine groups of supposedly "educated" people claiming that one of history's most evil men "was right" when he plotted the destruction and murder of your entire race. 

Imagine people who call themselves progressives claiming that you are lying about the crimes committed against your people, and demanding that you yourself should instead be held accountable for what THEY claim are 'war crimes'.  

Imagine being caught up in a war you did not start, but being blamed for it and deaths caused by the wicked men who forced it upon you.

Imagine being told that you are over-reacting, and that you need to respond "proportionally".

Imagine world leaders and the United Nations telling you that all you need to do to have peace is to cease to exist, because YOU are the problem.

Now imagine this happening to ANY other nation in the world other than Israel... I'll wait.

While the world judges the actions of the Israeli people in response to the pure evil of Hamas and its supporters/ enablers, they ignore the deeds and crimes of Hamas itself and its supporters/ enablers.   This lunacy of leftist progressivism, which blames victims for crimes committed against them; is an abomination to God, Common Sense, and Justice.  Each life that is lost in Israel or Gaza, is directly caused by the crimes and machinations of Hamas and its enablers.  There can and will be no peace between Gaza and Israel, until Hamas and its accompanying Anti-Israel teachings are rooted out of the Gaza Strip.  Hamas does not want peace, they desire only death and destruction.  Demanding Israel submit to a ceasefire while not demanding the same from Hamas, so that aid can be sent into Gaza to be appropriated and stolen by Hamas; is not only an act of sheer insanity, but a demand which proves that the world values terrorism and continued war over truth, justice, and peace. 


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