Cooper Union College; Anne Frank re-imagined

 Today as many 'woke' college students across the liberal university system in this country staged a walkout to demand a ceasefire from Israel; we saw an episode which could have been torn from the pages of Anne Frank's own diary, or indeed from any number of holocaust-based films.  At Cooper Union College in NY,  While the woke elitist mob "protested", Several Jewish students were rushed into the school library and locked inside for their own safety.  Why you might ask?  *Cue the footage of the liberal Nazis attempting to break into the library to get the Jews, while chanting that popular slogan "Free Palestine!"   Because obviously in their twisted minds, killing all Jews is the way to prevent genocide, yes?  This blatant act of antisemitism and terrorism is yet another mark against the party of alleged "love and understanding".   Anyone who supports this act or any of the other hundreds of assaults being committed against Jews across the globe has no right to claim "freedom of speech".  These same people have spent the past years promoting a concept that "words are violence", and shutting down every single voice that opposes their ever shifting ideology; which can never make up its mind what the hell it actually supports or believes in, because it believes in nothing.  

Yes children; progressives have managed to progress so far in so little time, that they are actually promoting and encouraging the very same policies that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party did.   It would appear that Nazism never died, it simply migrated and changed hands.  Henceforth, those who actively encourage violence against Israeli people or Jews of any ethnicity, shall be referred to by their proper title- NAZI.

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