Through the Eyes of a Pastor.

Recently, I was in town. The town nearest my home is in many ways the epitome of small town America; a town in the shadow of a former manufacturing plant for Tobacco, with a community that isn't the smallest, but where everyone still seems to manage to know most everyone and everything going on in town at a given time. Indeed, it was even a stop for country music star Justin Moore almost a decade ago when he was on his "Small Town USA" tour. I have lived here for my entire life, and know intimately the community and many of the people; all good sincere people who have always had a place in my heart. Judge my shock and dismay as I have borne witness over the last 3 years, as my hometown community has been forced into a situation that I am reliably well-informed, is not unique; given the current political and economic climate of our nation. There have always been poor people in our community, our Lord himself said "the Poor you h...