Orthodox Church Ban by Kyiv

 President Volodymyr Zelensky has recently signed into law a complete ban on the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine.   While that may seem and sound like a commendable action from the outside, banning a church that has a patriarch in Russia while there is an ongoing war with Russia; the reality of what the law invites is actually quite sinister, and I would dare say, diabolical. 

Let's start with the foundational issue: banning Russian Orthodox anything in Ukraine.  While it might sound like they're just cutting off the Patriarch of Moscow, what is truly happening is the Ukrainian government is seizing church properties: monasteries, cathedrals, convents, churches, shelters for the poor and homeless- all being seized by the state.  However it doesn't end at seizing church property, oh no.  The government has now enabled themselves to seize the personal and private property of private citizens who are Russian Orthodox as well.  This level of land-grabbing greed has not been seen since Henry VIII declared himself the supreme head of the Church in England, and we all (as students of history) know of the devastation that had on the religious as well as secular landscape and fabric of England at the time.  

Zelensky's ban on the Russian Orthodox Church is not a ban on Moscow, it is a ban on Ukrainian men and women who want to pray in a manner that they choose.  It is a ban on freedom of religion; one of the most Sacred rights afforded human beings under the privileges of democracy.  The media heralds proudly that the law passed Ukrainian Parliament overwhelmingly; leaving out that Zelensky has further violated the principles of democracy by also banning the opposition party from government.  So when a man who claims to lead a democracy has banned elections until he says so, banned any opposition in government, banned opposing viewpoints from being published or presented in media, banned an entire denomination of Christianity; what should we call that?  I seem to recall a gentleman from Russia who did the same thing after World War 2... what was his name now..... Stalin?  

Yes my dear friends, not content with calling themselves the "true heirs to the Soviet Union", the people's government of Ukraine have gladly welcomed in an actual dictator to be their leader.  And for us in the states?  Take pride ye fans of Ukraine!!  Your tax dollars have emboldened and enabled him to seize absolute power and to persecute his own people!  You should take great pride in knowing that your beloved Ukraine will now be sending grandmothers and grandfathers to prison for praying "wrongly".  They'll be turning families out of their homes onto the streets because they refuse to conform to a different religion.  They'll be seizing churches to pad the state's own coffers and pockets of petty politicians.  Oh yes, you have enabled glorious Ukraine to make a mockery of democracy, and to destroy the rights of its own people in the name of 'Progress'! 

It's rather Ironic, isn't it?  The American Democratic party is running a campaign threatening that the opposition wants to be a dictator; meanwhile they adore and demand ever more money to support someone in Ukraine who is ACTUALLY making himself a dictator and giving himself increased power over his people.   

For the sake of defeating Vladimir Putin, the West has placed its hopes and dreams on the shoulders of an antiChrist, who will gladly and gleefully destroy the church and the freedoms of his own people for his own benefit and pleasure.  Perhaps he'll pick up the fiddle and play as his people's homes burn about him like Nero, or maybe he'll be the one holding the torch to light the fire like his predecessor, Stalin. 

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