Breathless Boors Bristle at Book Bans?

 In a seemingly endlessly repeated story-line, we see headlines across the country proclaiming "books banned"; and subsequent outcry from (usually) the progressive side of politics, calling such things "un-american" and "Anti-freedom".   But what is the true issue behind the scenes here?   Well primarily speaking, virtually all of the accused "book-bans" have taken place in locations that are elementary and middle school libraries, or libraries that cater to adolescent children.  Now the progressive ideologues will go to war to proclaim that all books need to be available to all children regardless; but do they really mean that?   Does this mean we will soon be having Kama Sutra for Kindergartners?  Sun Tzu for second grade?  Mein Kampf for Middle Schoolers?  

Of course not.  Not because there are not some who aren't crazy enough to push for them; but because at the end of the day those books do not reinforce the 'progressive' vision that the leftists have for the children of our future.  No, they want books that will warp their minds in their own "progressive" manner, teaching them to be solely dependent on the state for all things; and to be naught more than mere slaves of passion and sexual desire, even before the child has any earthly idea what those things are.  Books are not being banned in the sense of the term that they were in Nazi Germany, much to the contrary of the Progressive's arguments.   You can't be arrested for buying them, you're not having them seized from you and burned in the town square, you can still freely purchase them online or in person from a variety of retail sellers.   What you CANNOT do, is force them to be placed in an educational center for OTHER people's children.   

And I know, our alphabet Mafia family will be accusing us of prejudice for having "hetero-normative" books in children's libraries; but have any of you read the manner of books that some so-called progressive "children's writers" have put to the table?  There is hardly a comparison that can be made between "Jack and Jill went up the Hill" to "GenderQueer".   Or any of the other supposedly children-friendly books being promoted as part of the progressive ideology, which seeks to quite literally describe overt and obscene sexual acts to children of any age; in order to make them think these things are perfectly normal and acceptable for children of their age.  

As an author myself and one who frequently writes, to our friends who wish to write for children-  leave out sexual acts and exploitation, there's a very simple means by which you can guarantee a book won't be prevented from being in a children's library.  Why not create books that instill positive ideas in our children's minds like: justice, fairness, dedication, truth, hard work, and education?  Let's all work together to build up our children, so that they can make free and educated decisions for THEMSELVES when they are old enough to do so, rather than trying to formulate them to be nothing but vassals of a particular ideology which always seems to change its mind every election year. 

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