The Church and the Modern

Recently I have seen some clergy of different churches demanding that the church as a whole "modernize and cast aside outdated theological and sexual ideas". They insist that the church needs to set aside any and all teachings, theological interpretations, and traditions which could be seen as even remotely "non-inclusive" of the Alphabet community (LGBT... and whatever the hell acronym they're adding this week). Some going so far as to say that 'queer people should lead the way to showing the church how to love one's neighbor'. First and foremost, the church does not exist for any age in particular; as she exists in and for ALL ages, times, and places. So to say that the church needs to 'modernize' in order to better suit modern man, is no less than to say that what was good enough for millions of saints and blessed ones and even our own Savior; is no longer good enough for us. The hubris of making demands of a gift that God himself...