The Church and the Modern

 Recently I have seen some clergy of different churches demanding that the church as a whole "modernize and cast aside outdated theological and sexual ideas".   They insist that the church needs to set aside any and all teachings, theological interpretations, and traditions which could be seen as even remotely "non-inclusive" of the Alphabet community (LGBT... and whatever the hell acronym they're adding this week).  Some going so far as to say that 'queer people should lead the way to showing the church how to love one's neighbor'.   

First and foremost, the church does not exist for any age in particular; as she exists in and for ALL ages, times, and places.  So to say that the church needs to 'modernize' in order to better suit modern man, is no less than to say that what was good enough for millions of saints and blessed ones and even our own Savior; is no longer good enough for us.  The hubris of making demands of a gift that God himself has given to us (in His church), is overwhelmingly obvious.  Demanding that the church throw out anything that makes you uncomfortable or that "doesn't affirm" you, is a remarkably brazen act of pride which indicates you don't actually believe in what the church presents to the world.  This is not to say that certain traditional understandings and teachings cannot be updated due to deeper understanding and more clarity on the matter through scripture; but you cannot simply REMOVE something that has been a part of the church since its inception.   

Many people want the appearances and community that the church has in its gift; without wanting to submit to any form of commitment which requires that they sacrifice or give up any small part of their lives.  They want chasubles and incense on Sunday, but they want circuit parties and orgies on Fridays and Saturdays.   They want stained glass and hymns, but they want "open" marriages and 'free love'.   They want the church to welcome ALL people to communion even if they worship pagan gods; yet they want to exclude anyone who thinks that God alone should be worshiped in the church. 

The fact of the matter is this: the people who make demands for the church to modernize are not doing so because they have a scripture or such a deep faith that requires them to meet modern man in his insanity; but rather because their faith is based solely on social identity rather than that personal relationship with God that everyone is so excited to talk about all the time.  The problem is not that the church needs to "modernize" in regards to its traditions and teachings on morality; but that mankind has lost any sense of that self-giving form of love that is required to truly have the faith of Christ.  Man's struggle with demands for church modernization do not exist because the church is wrong, but because man's own desires and lusts are truly insatiable if they do not learn to bridle them.  

The Church is not the one with the problem, the problem is mankind actively choosing to reverse course on evolution and head back to being no greater than beasts of the field driven by mere impulse and passion.  

The Church has always been flexible to an extent on its understandings of human nature and relationships, that is not the issue anymore.  The issue is people who want to remake the church in THEIR image, rather than being formed by the church into the image of Christ and His salvation.  

As I have often quipped when asked my thoughts on reform in the church:  The problem with reformation in the church is that, invariably the wrong things get reformed; while those things most in need of reform are enshrined as sacrosanct.  Also, those who most demand that the Church reform; refuse to reform themselves in the process.   

If man is perfect and acceptable to God in anything he does, then the church would not need to exist, would it?  Then again, that is probably the end goal of the so-called "modernizers", isn't it.  

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