Support for Ukraine: Boost, or Boast?
Last week the world saw the presidents of the United States and Ukraine clash in the Oval Office of the White House over a proposed deal to continue providing material and financial support for Ukraine in the wake of their ongoing war. While President Zelensky of Ukraine had promised he would sign the agreement at that meeting, after having promised to do so twice before and reneging on his word; he got the opportunity to leave the scene without signing the agreement, once again. This clash gave him a boost on the European front, with allies clamoring to give them additional funding for war; despite his protestations about pursuing peace. While I am not one who will consider it good form to openly antagonize or berate allies; it is true that both sides equally traded jabs during the Oval Office meeting, with President Zelensky hoping that the media's presence would force President Trump into agreeing to additional concessions and assistance that were not agreed upon in the written agreement.
Contrary to popular thought on the matter, multiple things can be true at the same time. For instance:
While claiming to be 'defending democracy' in the war, President Zelensky has declared Martial Law; under which he has banned political opposition, punished dissent, banned freedom of the press, and banned elections until the war ends.
While claiming that Ukraine did nothing to provoke or antagonize the Russians into war; it is admitted fact by the Ukrainian government that the start of the war was preceded by a Ukrainian attempt to assassinate President Putin of Russia (by poison).
While claiming to want the war to end and for peace; President Zelensky has actively demanded troops, money, munitions: and all without explanation. Claiming that if he is denied, then it means that the country who denies him what he demands is "pro-Putin". It is also true that hundreds of billions of dollars from America's war aid to Ukraine alone has gone missing or been embezzled by Ukrainian government officials; and munitions that were meant to defend the Ukrainian people have been sold off to other places, notably to the hands of terrorist organizations in the Middle East such as Hamas in Gaza.
While Claiming that he is "ready to sign" the agreement between the American and Ukrainian governments, President Zelensky has actively avoided signing the agreement to try to strong-arm the American government into providing unlimited defense support, to even beyond the eventual end of the war.
The Ukrainian people are suffering in this war, this much is true. However what President Zelensky is doing on the international stage is actively undermining the good of the people of Ukraine for the sake of power and control in the region. In this, he is no better than President Putin of Russia. This is hardly surprising, largely due to the fact that both Russia and Ukraine governments claim to be the "true inheritors" of the Soviet Union. Corruption combined with violent persecution of anyone who does not want war has been endemic on both sides of that conflict ever since the fall of the Russian Empire at the turn of the 20th century.
But tell me, gentle reader- why is it that you claim to support Ukraine (if you do)?
Is it truly because you believe in "democracy", or simply because you detest the current presidential administration, and will look for any excuse to claim a perceived moral victory; however far fetched in the imagination it may be? This much is true of us: that it takes a perverted and deceitful mind to convince one's self and one's fellows, that the continuation of violent warfare is to be preferred to peace and the rebuilding of broken society.
The bottom line, dear friends is this: if you support something or someone only because you hold hatred in your heart for something or someone else, then your support is worthless; your tears in vain, and your words devoid of any truth.
Instead of hatred and promoting a culture of death and everlasting war for fictitious concepts of "democracy in peril", let us work together to establish peace; in a world where all mankind may come to the knowledge of Divine Truth, and live together in harmony amongst men of good will.