Speaking truth to Power
Since there is such a public interest in "Speaking truth to power" among our liberal brethren in the world today, allow me; humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord, to express my own personal testimony of truth to answer.
I have served the church and the people of my community since the day of my ordination as a priest in 2012. In that time, I have witnessed great good, and great evil; at the hands of conservatives and liberals alike. As time has passed, I have experienced greater evil and hardship from those who proclaim the supposed Christian virtues of love and understanding; than I ever have from those who hold conservative convictions different than my own.
I have been publicly accosted by people on the left for no other reason than that I am a priest of the church. I have been publicly humiliated and mocked online by liberal individuals who have sworn to me that they will "destroy" me. I have been subjected to harassment and even threats of physical violence because I do not agree with people who hold liberal ideals and views. I have been targeted by members of clergy who do not even believe in God, claiming that I am teaching a false concept of Jesus, whom they claim loves and approves of everything under the sun. I have been spit at, cussed at, threatened with the law, threatened with jail; and yet I continue on. The Democratic governor of my state threatened any clergy who carried out active ministries during Covid with arrest and imprisonment, and shut down all churches; declaring them "unsafe". When I raised concern and voice against this; I was branded a spreader of 'disinformation' and 'conspiracy theorist'.
I am a sexual abuse survivor. I am a survivor of serious physical abuse. I am one who has survived despite multiple attempts on my life by people that the government should have kept in hospitals or prisons, but decided instead belonged back out on the street. I have survived a lifetime of suffering, pain, and threats to my health and safety; only to have the liberals in this nation preach to me that I am the problem, that I am to blame.
Forgive me for not feeling pity for those of you who choose to persist in your egomaniacal tantrums against a president you don't like, simply because you think you're right and he's wrong; which is based only on the supposition that he must always be wrong because he is who he is.
"Speaking truth to power" compels us to speak CONSISTENT truth to ALL power, equally and without reservation or hesitation. You cannot sit idly by while your own political party does the same things you so despise of others, and only call out the others when they do it and make the claim "speaking truth to power."
You cannot demand mercy of others when you yourself refuse to show it to the same people you demand it of.