Speaking truth to Power

Since there is such a public interest in "Speaking truth to power" among our liberal brethren in the world today, allow me; humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord, to express my own personal testimony of truth to answer. I have served the church and the people of my community since the day of my ordination as a priest in 2012. In that time, I have witnessed great good, and great evil; at the hands of conservatives and liberals alike. As time has passed, I have experienced greater evil and hardship from those who proclaim the supposed Christian virtues of love and understanding; than I ever have from those who hold conservative convictions different than my own. I have been publicly accosted by people on the left for no other reason than that I am a priest of the church. I have been publicly humiliated and mocked online by liberal individuals who have sworn to me that they will "destroy" me. I have been subjected to harassment and ...