Christ Cradled in Killer Keffiyeh

 Recently in Rome, the Bishop of Rome was wheeled into an audience hall to admire a nativity scene given the title "The Nativity of Bethlehem".  In true heretical fashion, the scene itself as well as those who gifted it and the fat man in white receiving it; glossed over the truth of what the scene represents.  THIS scene depicts the Holy Family as Palestinian people, with textual and visual representations of a purely "Palestinian" design.  Nativity scenes have always been an expression of the people and places in which they are created, so that fact might ordinarily be forgivable; if not for the one, glaring and obvious thing in the scene which makes it disgusting:  the figure of the newborn Christ resting on a Palestinian Keffiyeh.  For those of you who may be unaware, the Keffiyeh is an Arabic headdress worn by Arabs, and was known as the "crown of the Arabs"; and in previous generations, was forbidden for Jews to wear on pain of death.  The Arabs held that cloth headdress in such esteem, that they would literally kill any Jew who dared try to wear it.  Can you understand why putting that as the resting place for our Savior might be morally outrageous?  

It is clear that the Vatican is seeking to be complicit in an erasure of the Divine Lord's Jewish heritage and identity; replacing it with the socially acceptable "Palestinian" label, though such a historical aberration did not exist for nigh unto 1900 years after Christ's birth.  The Vatican proudly permits the "Palestinian refugees" to swaddle our Savior in an Arab headdress, overlooking the fact that were they to do that with an ACTUAL child of Jewish descent, he would be murdered on sight.  Knowing that the Keffiyeh means oppression and death to Jews, I suppose that the Vatican is placing outright Antisemitism on the table for Christmas decor.  Where then shall we go from here?  Perhaps next year the Austrians or the Germans could offer a Child Jesus swaddled in the Nazi Swastika flag?  Maybe give him one of those yellow stars and a pair of striped pajamas?  

If my tone seems sarcastic, it is because the world has forgotten the very real and inescapable fact that our Lord and Savior, as well as his Mother and Adopted Father; were all Jews.  They were not "Palestinian", they were JEWS.  The modern notion of the Palestinian identity was developed in the 1970's, because the Arabs who lived in the Holy Land refused to acknowledge any Jewish leadership or presence.  Instead, they turned to creating the myth of Palestine- which has never been a nation, never been a place, never been a people; and they claim it as an identity.  Fun historical fact for those wondering, the term "Palestine" was first applied to the Holy Land by the Romans after they invaded and drove out the Jews of Israel; in order to humiliate them.  The term "Palestine", references the people who lived in Gaza centuries before the Romans' arrival called the Philistines; who were of mixed Grecian heritage.  So not only are modern "Palestinians" a historical aberration of fact, the history of the term itself denotes no true indigenous heritage; but rather one of imperialism, colonialism, and forced occupation.  In other words, "Palestine" represents all those lovely little words and concepts that blue-haired liberals on college campuses claim to despise.  

-Here Endeth the Lesson-

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