The Election and the Elect

 The presidential election of 2024 is finally over, and we have a new president set to take office in January.  Almost instantaneously, the opposing party and their surrogates began bewailing, bemoaning, blaming, and berating everyone they could imagine as to why their candidate did not win the election.  What has been most disturbing is the pure vitriol, absolute hatred, and lunacy; coming from people who proclaim to be men and women of the cloth.  To hear these ministers of misinformation preach their message of doom, one would presume that the president-elect were the devil incarnate himself; bent on destroying the world and imprisoning/ persecuting all those who disagree with him.  Yet is that the case?  Did not we live 4 years under this same person in a previous administration in virtual peace and prosperity?  

The problem that the liberals ideologues in America have, is that they cannot conceive of a peaceable existence wherein they are not the party in charge.  This can also be true of conservatives; however I have noted over the years that conservatives tend to be more pragmatic and willing to give the liberal elected leaders a chance to prove themselves.  Yet with the liberal faction, there is no such grace; not even among those who proclaim to follow our Lord.  I have seen clergy who have demanded conservatives be sent to "re-education camps", wailing on social media; claiming that the incoming president is going to put THEM in "camps" instead.   Projection much?   I have seen clergy who have demanded that the federal government punish the incoming president with any and all means at its disposal, legal or not; only to bewail that they think he may do the same to them.   I have seen clergy who have welcomed politics to their pulpits, preached the Gospel of liberal political agendas, and actively welcomed political candidates to preach in their churches: who now demand that the incoming president respect absolutely the autonomy of their churches.  

Listen my friends, if you want people to treat you with respect, dignity, and fairness; you must be willing to do so in return.  And no, screeching that someone is bigot, racist, sexiest, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe, etc. is NOT part of that.  Ad Hominem arguments are a logical fallacy, as they are based on no warrant of fact; but rather one's opinion of a person based on one's own ideals of "what is acceptable".   To quote an old saying "Just because you believe you are right, does not mean someone else is wrong."  

As we move past this election, we need to work together as one human family, to build up a society where all people can prosper and succeed in accordance with the laws of the land.  Yes, building up society means you will have to work with and accept people who you find morally reprehensible; but that's the what makes society work, and working with people we find repugnant is a core tenet of the Christian faith itself.  We cannot begin to change the world for Christ and His kingdom if we hate our brothers and sisters based on piddling matters such as civil politics.  We as Christians must be willing to transcend political party and boundaries in order to make this world truly as our Lord said in his prayer to the eternal Father- "Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven." 

Let us work, let us love, and let us pray!

Here Endeth the Lesson. 

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