Christian Nationalism vs. Nationalist Christianity

 I recently had an exchange with a gentleman who was curious about the term "Christian Nationalism", and why it was such a big talking point in the US at the present time.  I explained that, in short; Christian Nationalism's proper definition is a movement to promote Christian ideals as superior or supreme; which does not differentiate in practice from other religions that are likewise bound to the same practices (i.e. Islam, Judaism, etc.).   In the past decade (or so) however, the self-professed progressives in society have used the term "Christian Nationalism" as a brand and a cudgel; for any conservative or evangelical Christian person or group that they seem as unacceptable to their progressive wish for society.  Any time a person holds to a traditional view or interpretation of anything to do with faith, morality, law, or order; they are branded "Christian Nationalist", and exiled to peripheries of society. 

The term itself holds no great threat or power in and of itself, the problem is that the progressives have taken the term and diluted it to include such sentiments as: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, white supremacy, etc.  Their point in so doing, is to try to smear the Christian faith and those who would follow it; and proclaim us to be the problem with society, rather than imperfect people who desire to build a better world for our brethren and in the name of Christ.  So many so-called "progressive Christians" follow this trend, proclaiming everyone who does not follow their flavor-of-the-month theology Christian Nationalists, including all the defamatory and false definitions that they have added to it themselves.   There is nothing shameful or theologically incorrect or inconsistent with  Christian Nationalism and the Scriptures or the Spirit of Christ; as those who seek the furtherment of Christ's kingdom earnestly seek a world where all men and women are treated equally, where justice is truly blind to prejudice, where all people can come together as one human family.  Christian Nationalism is NOT the problem child.

What IS the problem, is Nationalist Christianity.  A faux faith, which teaches doctrines of social justice, order, or structure in place of faith.  An idolatrous religion which places mankind at the center of faith and worship, rather than Christ and his sacrifice.  An aberration of religion which promotes ever-changing social policies as truth; rather than the one, eternal, and divine truth, revealed to us in Christ Jesus.  Nationalist Christianity is an unholy abomination, which presents itself to the world as either progressive or conservative (depending on the audience), yet at heart is solely concerned with obtaining and maintaining its power over the hearts and minds of men.   It is this false form of Christianity, bastardized by evil men, which demands its followers vote based on their identity rather than for the good of their fellow man.  This which teaches people that they are only good enough to be categorized by their gender, sexual attraction, or political affiliation; rather than to be elevated as true equals and co-heirs to the kingdom of God, which the true faith of Christ preaches. 

Christian Nationalism is a maligned movement seeking to fulfill the words of Christ in his prayer to the eternal Father; to build his kingdom here as it is in heaven.  

Nationalist Christianity is an abusive, self-important, and impotent false religion, which seeks only political power by any means necessary; even if it need abandon Christ altogether.  

Here Endeth the Lesson. 

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