Art of Allegation

 Over the past week, I have listened as the national media have turned their hand of hatred momentarily from the president-elect, and towards some of his picks for cabinet positions in the incoming administration.  Curious, I delved into the stories that are being peddled, to see if I could ascertain a morsel or atom of truth; and as usual, found only hatred and vitriol where fact or evidence should be applied.  Whether or not the men in question are guilty of some form of sexual assault of which they have previously been accused seems little the point; in light of the bigger point for the press, that the allegation was made at all.  Because in the media's twisted view, why would anyone lie about such a thing?  If this person is so wonderful and above board, how could anyone say such a thing about them?  

To understand this, we have to understand both what an allegation is (in truth, and in media's view), as well as what it does, and does not do.  

To start with, the dictionary defines "allegation" as- "a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof."   This stands in stark contrast to the media's opinion of what an allegation is, in which they make it seem as though an allegation is a substantially true story that cannot be questioned because they say so.  In all truth though- an allegation is simply a statement made, usually 'after the fact'; and almost always without any form of corroborating evidence or proof.  This is the great trick that the media uses in the court of public opinion, where they gleefully sling all manner of false opinion and accusations; hiding behind the mask of "allegation" that someone else at some point in time may have claimed, even if the allegation itself was disproven or later recanted by the accuser.   It is a FACT that in Matt Gaetz and Pete Hegseth's situations, the allegations against them were investigated thoroughly (Gaetz by the national department of justice themselves); and there was never any form of evidence or corroborating testimony offered that was sufficient to even consider filing charges or bringing a case.  

But why would ANYONE lie about being sexually assaulted?  Surely we must "believe all women", no?  NO.  While there are a large number of actual assaults that occur on any given day of the week, the ones which we hear about the most from the national media tend to be fictional or false.  Generally speaking they fall into one of 2 categories, and usually when it comes to famous or high profile persons accused:  1. a consensual sexual encounter that the woman (or man) later decides they did not enjoy as much as they thought, so they claim it was coerced or forced on them.  2. complete fabrications, where the accuser develops a story In order to either cover up their own mistakes and misdealings, or in order to destroy the life of the accused.   As a priest and also one who has seen these matters up close and personal firsthand, it sickens me to see it continuing.  Why then, is it only claims of sexual assault, and not other matters usually?

The answer to that is devastatingly simple and diabolical: sexual offenses are the most base, and most depraved that the human mind is capable of devising; apart from murder.  It is the only most base, disgusting crime that can be alleged without evidence being considered necessary to level against a person; because murder requires the presence of a body or "body of evidence" to level such a charge.  In short, it is the perfect way to destroy someone's life without having to worry about legality or morality, at least in our modern and "progressive" world.  Why should we 'believe all women', when it has been demonstrated legally and professionally that they are willing to lie and slander any man who crosses them on the wrong day by claiming sexual assault?  I've personally witnessed women standing in protests screaming "rape" whenever a man walks within 5 feet of them.  I personally worked with a woman who claimed that a mutual coworker of ours sexually assaulted her in order to try to make him and his girlfriend break up.  I have personally heard women, who when confronted with their allegations being proven false say "who cares".  This is the point- the allegation of sexual assault alone is enough to destroy men's lives, and no one gives a damn if it does.  Oh the media is horrified when a false accuser is held to justice, but the man is NEVER granted the dignity of a restored reputation.  No, he forever has to bear the title "Allegation" over his head until our Lord summons him home; condemned forever in the court of public opinion.  

It's small wonder that even the civil rights leader Malcolm X said this of the media and their interest in swaying people's minds: “The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”

The media is not at all interested in truth or justice, they are only interested in manipulating you into loving or hating the right or wrong person at any given time, as they deem fit given their political leanings. 

Allegations are a death sentence to any man who is falsely accused; because they will never go away.  So I say this about false allegations and those who make them in this day and age: What you have done is a worse crime than an act of murder.  Murder is a finite crime, with a limited time window and a definitive beginning and end.  False allegations have no beginning, and no ending; and cause pain and suffering for the accused's entire life.  Consider that before leveling any false allegations, and consider this also: though the media may praise you, pander you, promote you for it; there is an eternal and almighty judgment after this mortal life is over, and you will be weighed in the balances for your crimes against your fellow human.  

-Here Endeth the Lesson+


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