The Storm and the Stupidity

 This past week, Hurricane Helene beat her way across the southeastern United States; causing death and destruction not seen here since 1916, a little over 100 years ago.  Cleanup and salvage works are already underway; and many citizens are still left stranded in areas without food, without electricity, and without aid of any form.  Almost a week after the storm hit, amid cries and outcry that the government was dragging its feet in response of sending aid to the region; the president of the United States arrived in North Carolina.  While such a visit should be seen as a means of assuring the public of the strength of our communities, the promise of building back, the assurance of assistance in an hour of need; our president decided to take this opportunity to lecture the citizens of my home state that this storm was caused by climate change and that we all need to acknowledge that fact.  I'm sorry, come again?   You are here in the elected capacity which these people chose you for, and you presume to lecture people who have lost their homes, their loved ones, and their livelihoods on CLIMATE CHANGE?   I had imagined that this was simply a tone-deaf response from the outgoing administration, an elderly man too bothered with not caring anymore and planning his retirement; than someone who genuinely did not care.   I had imagined that this would be the last instance of this, but was I mistaken.  The department of transportation and other government officials immediately began placing bans on air travel in the area to prevent "unapproved" rescue flights, and also a ban on private individuals rushing in supplies for assistance who were not part of "approved" organizations the government would let in.  To top it all off, the vice president of the United States, who hopes to become the next president; makes the most asinine statement of all- proclaiming that the government would do everything it could to help, in the form of a single, one-time payment of $750, 10 days from now.  

How wonderful, that one's entire life can be valued so cheaply!  To imagine that the amount of money that all of those tax-paying citizens who have lost everything now have paid into the government over the years; should be such a pittance that it would barely cover the cost of groceries for a family for more than a couple of weeks.  And don't forget, since it is an amount over $600, the federal government will likely take taxes out of that check, or add it to your tax bill for the year as income. 

Lost your home?  $750 for you my friend!

Lost your business?  $750 for you buddy!

Lost your entire family in the flood and can't find their bodies?  $750 right at you tiger!

Perhaps the vice president should have chosen Oprah to give out those checks, since they are apparently such good friends these days.   

If you wish to know, yes I am angry.  I am angry that our government values American citizens so cheaply, while illegal aliens in this nation are receiving $2500 a month, plus housing, food, and medical care.  I am angry that the government of this United States views my people as so inferior to their leftist propaganda that they presume to lecture those who have lost everything on supposed climate change.  Most of all, I am angry that the federal government, rather than acknowledging any fault or failure in their delays, chooses to blame the citizens once again; claiming we just don't know everything they're doing for us, and telling us to suck it up because FEMA is low on their budget.  Oh I'm sorry, did they say FEMA was running out of money?   Beg pardon, but FEMA is set up to deal with natural disaster relief... What natural disaster have they been dealing with that has so drained their budget this year?   Right, there hasn't been one.  No, much like anything to do with funding and money in the government, money has been moved around so many times that they were caught with their pants down when it was revealed that most of the money is gone.   Here's a novel suggestion- why don't we take the 8 BILLION dollars that President Biden signed over to Ukraine last week, and spend that on our own people instead?   How about the 66 BILLION dollars we have been forced to invest in providing for illegal immigrants over the past 3.5 years?  

No, as is always the case with the abusive government we have; everyone else in the world gets to benefit from the American ideal, while we the people are forced to suffer and foot the bill.  

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