Korpus Kamala

 This week, a new addition to the ever-increasing pantheon of liberal insanity emerged from the governor of Michigan.  In a video that was posted online, Gretchen Whitmer (Governor of Michigan) is speaking with a left-wing "influencer" and podcaster (whatever the hell that is) about.  The 2 women spoke about the Biden-Harris administration's CHIP act, which aims to invest in domestic microchip manufacturing, and also abortion; you know, the only true talking point that the American left  has been singing about during this election cycle.  The video concludes with Whitmer feeding a Dorito's chip to the influencer by placing it on her tongue while she kneels.  The camera then pulls back to show Whitmer standing and wearing a "Harris/ Wallz" ballcap.  

While people are certainly free to discuss whatever topics they find fascinating or important, despite how distasteful or outright disgusting they may be; there is one thing one should try to shy away from, if one is an elected official attempting to court voters: and that is insulting the people.  It is quite obvious in this video clip that these 2 leftist harpies are mocking the traditional imagery of people receiving Holy Communion.  There is no excuse made, there is no "official explanation" being given; plain and simple, it is a progressive mockery of faithful Christians receiving the Body of Christ in Communion.  

Unless, of course, Whitmer has been made high priestess of the new, progressive cult of Kamala-ism, and is imposing the new leftist communion ritual.  What might the words of distribution be for that I wonder, "Korpus Kamala"?  Kamala Harris is renowned for her claims to love Doritos chips, so it's quite apparent that even the chip used must be specifically branded to that which their liberal savior has imposed; so we see that in this new cult there are even specific rules governing the administration of their blasphemous communion of the Kamala-ites.  I suppose it would be comforting to know that at least the progressives have a rule they follow SOMEWHERE, apart from demanding that everything and everyone else need to change rules to accommodate their insanity. 

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