"Immigrant Jobs"?

 So this afternoon I was looking at the news, and an article being promoted by Yahoo popped up.  It purported that Donald Trump's concern with illegal immigrants working can be debunked because illegal immigrants are ONLY taking the lesser, more menial jobs that no one else wants to work; and further claims that seeking to prevent this from happening would cost the nation nearly one Trillion dollars.  Apart from the inflammatory words and terms used in the article, and the customary fluff about how the present administration wants Black and Hispanic citizens to have good, higher paying jobs; there is a diabolical undercurrent which no one seems to address, one which proves history is indeed repeating itself.

I'm sure some of us will remember Nancy Pelosi's now famous line about Illegal immigrants working in the US- "Who's going to pick our crops?" 

The truth is that the Democratic party in the United States has never gotten over losing the rights to slaves and slavery in this country.  Indeed, every action that the party has undertaken with regard to ethnic groups apart from White Americans has subjugated the peoples involved to the whims and will of the party; never permitting them to think or act for themselves.  This is why when a formerly democrat individual leaves the party or publicly questions the leadership; they are virtually flogged and lynched so that others know not to question their masters in the party.

The so-called party of progressives wants to keep a permanent underclass of people working in this country, so that they do not have to; and so that they can reap the benefits of others' labor for themselves.  That is why the democratic party will never give illegal immigrants the rights and privileges of citizenship: because it would mean that they have the right to vote and to seek advancement for themselves and their children.   No, the Democratic party is not importing migrants to replace anyone; they are importing people whom they can enslave in the fields, in the factories, in domestic service, and worse still: in sex trade.  And much like the Democrats of 1860, when questioned for their insistence on having slaves, the modern democrats use the same logic:  

"Oh, they're only doing jobs no civilized person would want to do."

"Oh, but it will cost us so much money to replace our slaves with machinery or other methods."

Think about that the next time you find yourself thinking that the way the current administration treats illegal immigrants is so wonderful.  True change

is permitting people to become citizens and treating them as EQUALS; not keeping them away from citizenship and treating them as the eternal servant-class.  

Here Endeth the Lesson. 

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