The Red Badge of Cowardice

 Yesterday evening a group of self congratulatory, wealthy people gathered in California to give each other awards.   They call it the "Academy Awards", however that title is as offensive to Academia as it is unrepresentative of the term in general.  Perhaps one of the more shocking things to come out of the Oscars this year was the number of 'celebrities' donning red pins in order to (allegedly) support demands for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.  Much like everything celebrities do, however; they are blissfully ignorant of the origin of their rallying cry for purported social justice.  

As a symbol of "palestinian" solidarity, the raised bloody hand dates back to the year 2000; when a mob of Palestinians broke into a jail in Ramallah on the West Bank, and proceeded to beat, kick, stomp, stab, etc. 2 Jewish men to death.   These 2 men had accidentally taken a wrong term while driving that afternoon, and had ended up in Ramallah by accident.  When the murders occurred, one of the terrorist mob by the name of Aziz Salha propped himself up in a window, with his hands dipped in the blood of the murdered victims; to show the cheering crowd gathered below.  THIS is what the bloody hand of Gaza represents, not innocent lives lost as a result of Hamas' insane refusals to end the war.

The Hollywood elite chose to don pins that celebrate the massacre of the innocent, rather than protection of life.  And they did it all in the name of so-called social justice.  When you demand that Israel, and ONLY Israel effect a ceasefire with your calls of "Immediate permanent ceasefire NOW", you are NOT promoting peace and an end to conflict in the Middle East.  All you are in fact doing, is demanding that the only true democracy in the Middle East abandon its citizens to the murderous whims of a terrorist government; who seeks to murder and maim in the name of "Allah".  The Hollywood elite and anyone who dons that red pin do not demonstrate courage and peace; rather they demonstrate Cowardice, solidarity with evil, and a desire to destroy both the Jewish and Israeli people, as well as the only democracy in the Arab world.  

This Red Badge of Cowardice is no mark of peace, it is rather a rallying symbol of violence and death. 

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