The Princess and the Preposterous Press Panic

So this past weekend, Kensington Palace issued a photograph of the Princess of Wales with her 3 children, in wake of her recovering from a recent surgery. Eagle-eyed reviewers (their own term, not mine) immediately began calling the photo into question, and caused numerous publications and news outlets to retract it; claiming multiple evidences that the photo was either fake or at very least digitally altered. The AP (Associated Press) essentially said that they could not publish something that they willingly know is false because it would damage their reputation as journalists. So in unison, numerous Press outlets are saying they cannot and will not publish erroneous images or information. What A Crock Of Shite. The press regularly lies to the public, publishing altered or doctored photographs; as well as publishing completely WRONG photos to bolster a fictitious story they're peddling at any given time. Case...