Church for Everything- Except God

 Recently I have been made aware (albeit I was unsurprised) of an event that is set to take place in Canterbury Cathedral in February this year called "90's Silent Disco in the Cathedral".  I'll let you take a moment first to process that title of insanity. 

The Cathedrals in England have played host, in recent years, to a number of wacky, bizarre, and often outright blasphemous art and social exhibits that express (contrary to the bishop's and chapter's heavenly expectations) just how far removed from God and reality some institutional churches have become since the 1960's.  Where we once held solemn acts of worship of the triune God; we now have women parading about as bishops proclaiming that we need to take down crosses from the church to make Muslims feel more welcome.  Where we once sang our hearts to the Father who created us all; we have art installations praising everything but God.  Where once we had the visible, physical statement of the true faith of Christ in the form of his Holy Church; we now have archbishops holding raves and discos in parody of Divine Worship. 

There is nothing wrong or immoral for a person to like music and/ or dancing.   There's nothing wrong with people wanting to go to a dance to be around their fellow like-minded people.  What IS incomparably wrong and flat out blasphemy, is to use the sanctuaries of the church for gatherings that often inspire drug use or promiscuity.  Not to mention what manner of "dancing" may be conducted during the evening; but I can guarantee you that they won't be doing the Minuet.   This level of disrespect for both God and Church is a sign of the deeper lack of any real faith that most modern churchmen seem to have in our modern day.  

Saint Athanasius once quipped "they have the churches, but we have the faith".  Sadly, this is ever more true today than it should be.  There seems to be only one avenue left for those of sincere faith in God- and that is to take up the call of Saint Francis: to rebuild the church.   To build up new sanctuaries dedicated to the honor and Glory of God; to cleanse the churches we can of the stains of progressive ideologies, to strengthen the faithful in Christ by charity and love: these are our vocation as members of the church on earth.   We must, all of us, work hand in hand and heart to heart to combat the rising tide of disbelief and disrespect for God; to build up his kingdom here on Earth; so that we might fulfill the word's of Our Lord's own prayer: Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.  Let us all put our hand to the plow to break open the long neglected fields of mankind's indifference, to harrow the doubts of their minds with Divine teaching; to plant in their hearts and minds true love of God and Neighbor both; so that from each corner of the world the praise of God might resound once more from the lips of children as they joyfully  sing:

 "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!" 

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