The boy who wears that star

 They say it doesn’t matter who he is or where,

They say he comes and brings us only deep despair.

They tell me that he’s not the kind we want in our hometown,

So it’s best for our interest if we should hunt him down.

We tell him he is cursed of all and never shall be free,

We take his hopes and dreams and all with happiness and glee. 

We tell him he can’t go home, for home he never has,

We’ve given it away to a group we call Hamas.

We tell him he’s not wanted here, but then not even there,

We fill his ears with words of hate and anger and of fear. 

We tell him that he’s the cause of all our suffering,

And never give him thanks for any good that he may bring.

We blame him now, we blame him then, and blame him near and far,

We blame him now for everything, this boy who wears that star. 

We claim that he is violent, and kills without a cause; 

While his mother, sister, father, aunt: were killed by that Hamas. 

We claim that all the death is his sole responsibility,

While terrorists and their abbetors we we joyfully let free.  

We blame the child for death, and the boy for war and pain,

Which even if he were not here, would soon be seen again.

We claim the other side the victim, and sole ones to defend,

While the death of innocents and bloodshed is their only means and end.

We call the Boy a monster now, a bloodstained Kosher boar, 

While evil men hunt him down and kill those like him more and more.

We pride ourselves on just how high our intellect can fly,

While when it comes to loving neighbor, we prefer to Lie.

We judge the boy as condemned and damned, without a second thought.

Blaming him and all his kin for every war that’s fought.

We stick him in a suit that’s striped all up and down,

And mock him while we force upon him naught but a dismal frown.

We claim he’s dirty, false, untrue, and worthy to be killed,

To the acclaim of evil men, whose bloodlust is so thrilled.

Our words condemn an innocent boy because of who he is, 

To stand in judgment by the world for our own benefit ‘tis. 

We force him from here, we force him there, we just won’t let him go,

Crying “there is no homeland for you, you should always know.”

We use him up and drain him dry, until we’ve gone too far;

Then we stick him in a camp, and make him wear a yellow star.

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