Pope Proposes People Pass the Prescript!

 In a move that should come as little to no shock to many, the Arch-Heretic in white of Rome today announced that Roman Catholic priests would be permitted to bless same-sex couples- "provided they do not resemble marriages".  

What the Lout has done is essentially what the United Methodist Bishops did, which caused the breaking up of the Methodist Union:  telling one group of people (heterosexual couples) that they must abide by the rules and regulations hereunto set forth in canon law and church doctrine; while telling another group of people (homosexual couples) that they don't have to follow those same rules, that they get a pass on it because "God loves them too".  

The main issue at hand is not even whether same-sex couples/ marriage is morally right or wrong; but rather a man (or group of leaders) telling 2 groups of people to follow 2 diametrically opposed sets of rules, while claiming both are perfectly acceptable and equal.  NO.  If you want to be a church that allows same-sex couples to exist as active members of the church, then you can't have rules and regulations that say the contrary.  This is the bullshit workaround that the UMC tried because they knew they didn't have enough votes in the worldwide communion to change the book of discipline's rules on the matter; and look what's happened with them.  Rather than welcoming in those "disenfranchised" by the church's rules on morality and marriage, Francis has struck a deathblow to the Roman Catholic Church's position of moral superiority over secular man.  

Francis has taken a hammer to the tablets of the law in Moses' hands, whilst telling the Israelites that those who don't want to follow the law of God are the true inheritors of the faith.   He is committing the exact same offense which our Blessed Savior called the Pharisees out for in the Gospels- "They do not practice what they preach".  Francis is the most profound hypocritical heretic in the whole of Christendom, and he will have to answer for his blasphemy against  Christ and his people on the day of judgement.  

 Rather than burying him at the basilica of his choice (as he was wont to describe in an interview this past week), his remains, upon his death; should be burnt at the stake and the ashes thrown into the Tiber.  

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