Ceasefires and Cesspits

Today, possibly one of the world's most pointless and impotent organizations voted to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.  They decried the "humanitarian" crisis which they claim Israel has perpetrated on the people living in Gaza, and demand an immediate ceasefire.  The secretary General of the UN claims he has never before encountered such a horrendous situation and loss of civilian lived on his watch as secretary general.

In total, there are 13 (registered) major wars/ armed conflicts currently ongoing across the globe. On the continent of Africa alone, millions of lives have been lost to civil war and Islamist terrorist uprisings for over 25 years.  In the north of the European continent, of course we have the Russian-Ukrainian war which has been going on for almost 2 years at this point.  Do you want to know what every other war or armed conflict in the world has in common, not shared with the Israel-Hamas conflict?  

A United Nations resolution demanding a ceasefire.

But please, do tell me again how the UN and its secretary general are trying to bring "peace" to the world. United Nations and international aid are regularly co-opted by militant hostiles and terrorists in order to continue their wars against humanity; and yet the UN feels it has the moral superiority to demand anything of a sovereign nation.  This is the same UN who have placed Iran, famous for oppression, terrorism, and abuses of women; on the "Human Rights Council". 

The United Nations has always been a cesspit of degenerates and tyrants, who force those actually desiring peace to pay for their "humanitarian" programs; all the while using those programs as a front for supporting corrupt and wicked regimes.  The New York Times this week, claimed that Israel was responsible for Hamas; since Israel allowed international aid and money to flow into Gaza for years without any question.   In short, the same people who claim that Israel was making Gaza an "open-air prison", are also saying that Israel was allowing massive amounts of aid, assistance, and money to flow into the Gaza strip.  Which is it?  Israel oppressing innocent people, or Israel allowing them to have infinite access to money and resources to build their society?  

The trouble is that which has plagued humanity since the dawn of time- lack of responsibility for one's own actions.  

Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the Serpent.  Cain blamed Abel.  Nero blamed the Christians.  Hitler blamed the Jews.  

People would much rather find a scapegoat for their own crimes and shortcomings than take responsibility for their choices; and for the international community, that scapegoat has been and will apparently continue to be- Israel and the Jewish people. 

Shame on the so-called "United Nations", and shame on Secretary General Guterres. 

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