A Christmas Eve Homily

Many years ago in Mexico, there was a small girl named Pepita.  She was a good child, but from a poor and needy family; who often barely had enough food for dinner.  Though her family was poor, Pepita was happy; because Christmas would soon be here.  Each year, the parish church was beautifully decorated with candles and ornaments; and a beautiful nativity scene which was her favorite.  Though she was looking forward to Midnight Mass and celebrating the Christ Child’s birthday; she was sad to know that she would not be able to afford a gift to offer the baby Jesus this year.  As she and her brother were walking to Mass, she became sadder when thinking about how she had nothing to offer.  Seeing her sadness, her brother spoke to her and said “I’m sure that even the smallest and simplest gift, given by someone who loves him; will make the Baby Jesus very happy”.  Pepita was encouraged by this, and looked around to see what she could find; seeing only a mass of weeds alongside the road.  She carefully picked an armful, and arranged them into a bouquet as best she could, to present to the Christ Child that night.  As Pepita and her brother walked into the church, the candles were all aglow, incense hung in the air like a light cloud in the heavens; and presents wrapped in shiny papers and ribbons were laid around the sides of the nativity scene.  

Many of the other village children snickered and teased Pepita for bringing a bundle of mere weeds to offer the Christ Child; but she walked to the altar determined to give what gift she had to her Savior.  She knelt down and laid the weeds in front of the figure of the Baby Jesus, and it seemed as though he smiled back up at her; which brought a tear to her eye.  As she stood up and started to walk away; suddenly, the bouquet of simple weeds which she had offered sprouted forth large, bright red flowers with golden centers.  Everyone was amazed to see these beautiful flowers that they had never seen before; created by the Lord of all Creation as a sign of thanks for the simple gift of this young child with a heart full of love.  Many years later, these beautiful flowers would be brought to the US by Joel Roberts Poinsett, America’s first ambassador to Mexico; and the man for whom they are now named: Poinsettias. 

This evening, we gather together in darkness lit by candles, to celebrate  the birth of this same child; some two millennia ago in Bethlehem.  Oftentimes in our modern lives, we find ourselves like Pepita, impoverished by the weight of troubles and sufferings in our lives, feeling that we have nothing left to offer the Christ Child for his Birthday.   Many times it seems as though things we have suffered, things that we have been through, illnesses we carry; and more can hold us down as hostage to the past.  Yet, in the darkness of our struggles and doubts; a child comes to us in the middle of the night, seeking not the great or the proud, but a simple act of love from a sincere heart.  

The story of Pepita’s offering illustrates for us the simple truth about the message of Christ- no act done in love, however small it may seem; is ever too small to escape our Lord’s attention.  Our Lord is well pleased with any gift we bring to him, for he is able to take even the smallest offering and turn it into something beautiful that will outlast anything else we may ever have even dreamed of doing in life.   And though we may not experience miraculous healings or signs and wonders in response for our deeds in this life; the rewards which Christ promises us for the love we hold for all men will be truly endless in the life to come.   It is on such selfless acts of love that Christ’s kingdom may be established on earth as it is in heaven.  And that one day when Christ finally returns in glory, it will not be to save us from the wild and unbelieving world as some would have us believe; but rather to take his throne and rule over the hearts of all mankind, so that we may all be one in Christ Jesus.  The ultimate goal of the Christian faith is not to look forward to the kingdom of God in heaven, but to fulfill the words of Christ as said in his prayer to the Father- Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

May it be our prayer this Christmas eve and all nights: that the love of God which surpasses all understanding, may fill the hearts and minds of all men; so that with the angels who announced the birth of the Savior, we may echo back “peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” 

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