Arise, O Lord, and let thy Enemies be scatterd

 This morning I woke and read of a sudden, violent assault in the land of Israel; coming out of the eternally problematic Gaza strip.  Of course the media is currently obsessing over what Israel did to supposedly prompt Hamas to attack; an outlandish and bizarre philosophy that leftist politicians and reporters have enforced for many years.  Essentially they would like us to believe that Hamas (a globally recognized terrorist organization) would NEVER attack anyone unprovoked; and then spend an inordinate amount of time attempting to come up with explanations when Hamas orders unprovoked attacks on Israel.  This latest unprovoked onslaught comes at the conclusion of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot; proving that the terrorists had planned to attack people of the Jewish faith, making this not only a terrorist attack against Israeli citizens- but an assault on people of the Jewish faith.   Thousands of rockets, missiles, and dozens of heavily armed terrorist militia groups swept into Israeli cities bordering Gaza; murdering people, taking hostages, and raping women and children.  Hamas has not had the funds to launch such an unprecedented assault in recent years, so what changed to see them get the money and arms to do this?   Could it possibly be the 6 billion dollars that the current President's administration released to Iran recently?   Iran, who proudly and publicly supports Hamas against Israel, and has publicly stated they will do whatever it takes to destroy Israel?   

The "settler Israel" philosophy that western liberals have promoted has a price- and that price is the lives of innocent women and children laying slaughtered in the streets of Gaza.  In the name of all that is holy, I speak to those who claim "love" but speak hatred against Israel and its citizens- you have washed your hands in the blood of innocents; and it will be held to your charge on the day of judgment.   To those who support these insane and bloody terrorists I speak in the name of the God of peace- Repent! Change!  Violence can only begat violence, and you will find that no one who murders, rapes, tortures, and abuses the innocent have a place in the Kingdom of God.   

Arise O Lord, and let thy enemies be scattered!   Let those that also hate him flee from before him.

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