Putting the Ass in Pap-ASS-y

 On the heels of celebrating the festival of sacrilege and unadulterated hedonism of World Youth Day, everyone's favorite Antipope and AntiChrist took full advantage of his media persona to attack priests.  Accusing any priest who shows care for the liturgy of being "rigid", declaring that all traditionalists are the true problem in the church, and proclaiming that due to the corruption that young traditionalist clergy bring, he himself has had to be personally involved in 'cleaning up the mess'.   Unless you consider "cleaning up the mess" to mean vilely oppressing and persecuting Nuns, parishes, and the catholic faith in general; then he hasn't been doing much of anything he claims.   In point of fact, the single case of priestly corruption he HAS been directly involved in of late, was in pampering and lifting all sanctions off of his brother Jesuit and known rapist of Nuns: Marko Rupnik.   Yes, the great Frankie of Rome, who proclaims to the world his desire to protect the innocent from abuse; not only shelters a known rapist, but personally absolved him of the excommunication imposed by his own bishop for the crimes he has committed. 

It is clear that Francis is not the Pope of Rome or the Roman Catholic Church, but rather the bishop of his own church; a cult built entirely around his own personality and goals.  He does not wish the ancient catholic faith (shared by traditional Anglicans, Lutherans, and Catholics) to be promoted or observed; rather, he desires that Bergoglio-ism be spread and worshiped.  Soon enough even the barest of empty crosses he makes use of in worship will be gone, until he alone stands at the center of his new religion.   To put it in Biblical terms, dear children:  the Abomination of Desolation has returned to Rome. 


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