A Celebration of Sacrilege

 This past week, the Roman Catholic Church celebrated its "World Youth Day"; an event marketed as a way to get youth reinvigorated in their faith and to give them opportunities for worship.  What World Youth day is, or at least what it has become; is a festival of sacrilege and blasphemy against the sacraments of the catholic faith and Christ himself.  

So-called "designer" vestments which look like they were made for a Halloween Costume shop, chalices and patens made from anything but dignified materials, glass bowls for consecrated hosts covered with saran wrap, stages that look like something out of apocalyptic film/ TV series rather than altars of worship of the most Blessed Trinity.  The list of sins World Youth day this year has committed against the dignity of the Christian faith is as long as one's arm; yet the most disgraceful, distasteful, and outright blasphemous act is the manner in which the sacred Body of the Divine Savior was both distributed and reserved.  

Yes, in a popup tent, topped with a potted plant, they reposed the most sacred Body of our Lord in plastic clam-shell boxes.   Yes, the church which insists that lack of belief in the True Presence is due to "poor catechesis", shoves our Lord in a plastic tote and props him on a table.  Yet throughout all of this sacrilege and blasphemy, at least they can console themselves with the fact that things are only going to get worse given the current Bishop of Rome's proclivities. 


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