Try that in a Small Town?

 It would appear that the radical progressive agenda has a new target this week- country music artist Jason Aldean.  Recently the music video for his song "try that in a small town" was launched and subsequently pulled from CMT; upon claims that it incited racial violence and racism.  Now unlike most people who have taken to social media and written articles about this, I actually took the time to LISTEN to the song that was performed.   Honestly, there isn't anything remotely objectionable to a person of common sense, apart from mild language that some might object to (i.e. derogatory word for human excrement).  

What I find objectionable is not this song itself or even the accompanying video that was made for it; but the reaction from the radical left-wing progressive fanatics who see racism in every corner and behind every door.  They claim that the song is racism because it glorifies standing against criminal violence; but the artist never once invokes race or anything that can be remotely considered racial stereotyping.  That simply has to be inferred.  Yes, the true racism is not a song which celebrates a small town mindset of protecting one's own community against violence; but rather it is in the minds of those who think that condemning crime must be racist because only certain racial groups commit crimes.  

We hold ourselves and heads up high, 

"Racism!" is our battle-cry;

We blame all  others until at last,

the Racist looks back from the looking glass. 

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