The problem with 'Pride'

This month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and is also sanctioned by the state as "Pride Month".    Years ago as a younger man, it seemed as though the concept of this Pride thing was something benign; something wherein a group of people simply came together in order to celebrate who they were as individuals.  I have always believed that people should have the (civil) right to express their own individual identity; as it is one of the rights afforded to citizens under the Constitution.  

However, in the past 10 years especially, Pride has become less a celebration of who a group of people are; and more of a year-round cudgel with which a group of people will beat you if you do not agree with them 100% regardless of the topic.  It seems like there isn't a month or a week that goes by wherein there isn't some form of pride festival, event, or protest; and the Alphabet community still proclaims that it isn't nearly enough.  They scream and moan that their voices are being silenced, that they are being erased; yet if that is true, it's the loudest damn silence this world has ever heard.    No, the problem with "Pride" in the current day, is that it has no longer become a group of people who simply want to be who they want to be as equals in civil law; it has instead become a neo-religious movement, which focuses on conversion, proselytization, and supremacy of teaching and civil prominence.  No, the modern "Pride" movement cares not for equal rights, nor for equal justice; it concerns itself only with turning established order and society on its head, and will encompass any ideal however repugnant, in order to accomplish this goal.

There are many well-meaning and good intentioned people in the world who are gay, lesbian, etc. who are just as fed up with modern 'Pride' BS as I am; realizing that it has ceased to be what those who pushed for actual equality fought for, and has now evolved into a cult of depravity and perversion hitherto unseen since Sodom and Gomorrah.  God will not punish someone for being gay or being attracted to another adult of the same gender; but he can and will punish those who blaspheme his name and mock His church in the name of "Pride".   Yes, God is love; however love has constraint and must be shown the dignity and respect it deserves; not dragging it down into the gutter so that you can 'twerk' on it in front of someone else's children.  

Here endeth the Lesson. 

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