The Candle Crime

 Recently, the Saint Francis healthcare system in Oklahoma was the subject of visitation from a representative of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS), in order to make sure they are in compliance with current Presidential administration policies.  The Catholic Hospital system which comprises 2 hospitals, also has 2 chapels; where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved, which means there are also two sanctuary lamps that herald the presence of Christ in the tabernacle. Following the inspection, the CMS representative sent letters to the hospital demanding they extinguish the sanctuary lamps, which he claimed were a "naked flame" which was a threat to fire safety at the hospitals.  A Sanctuary lamp.  Lest the imagery be lost on you, know that the aforementioned lamps consist of a candle inside a glass shell, which is placed inside a red glass candle shade, which is attached to a solid metal base, the shade is then enclosed with a metal lid; to prevent the flame from leaving the candle-holder or anything from falling into the candle and catching light.  Perhaps the most safely guarded and kept flame you will find anywhere in Christendom (as in every church that maintains the true presence); and this damnable administration calls it a threat to safety.   Mind you, the same inspector had no issue at all with the open flames elsewhere in the hospital: pilot lights on stoves in the kitchen, pilot lights to heat gas powered clothes dryers, welding work being done by contractors, etc.  All of these secular flames are deemed essential and acceptable; yet a light in a Catholic Chapel to signify the presence of God is deemed dangerous.  This is a presidential administration which proclaims with loud madrigals its absolute devotion to freedom and liberty, all the while demanding absolute adherence; lest anyone actually practice said freedom.  It proclaims equality and equity; which are contradictory, proven by the administration's desire to persecute everyone who does not click their heels together and stand at attention every time the president mutters one of his vast array of incoherent ramblings.  No, those who stand firmly grounded on the truth of liberty are seen as the oppressors, to be cast aside and trampled upon in order to build the new world: a world where children are used as political pawns by government officials, where people with mental illness are abandoned on the streets and then used as martyrs for social justice warriors when they commit crimes, where the insane lead the asylum and declare all who are not committed there to be the ones who are insane.  A world where the liberals will fight tooth and nail to hammer everyone at a hospital into absolute compliance, and remember:  it all started with a candle.


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