Truth or Trans?

 In recent months, I have found myself being forced by society to bear witness to an ongoing saga of insanity being played out in the public square.  The debate surrounding the Transgender ideology and its purported rights and privileges have become topic of violence and hatred; truly ironic in light of the fact the people who promote the ideology claim to do everything in the name of "love" and "acceptance".  I have never cared much either way about whether a man or a woman wishes they were the opposite sex, and whether they decided to mutilate their body in order to satisfy that desire for validation; that is entirely within their own right to do so as an adult citizen of the nation in which we live.  However, seeing an increased number of people demanding that children under the age of 12 be subjected to (so-called) "gender-affirming care" in the way of life changing surgeries, puberty blockers, and enough supplemental hormones to damage their brain cells; a line has to be drawn somewhere.  I have spent many months in prayer and reflection on the situation in which the world finds itself with this ideology, and I have come to the conclusion that this ideology of transgender-ism (not the people themselves, but the ideology) is not inspired by the will of Almighty God; but by one who seeks to undermine and destroy the world that God has created and gifted to mankind.    To that end, I have compiled a list of reasons why the Transgender Ideology is at odds with the faith of Christ, as laid forth in Sacred Scripture and Tradition-

The reason why the transgender ideology cannot be reconciled with Christian teaching is because it is the complete subversion of Divine truth.

1. It teaches that God makes mistakes in His creation, and further that mankind itself is the arbiter of what these mistakes may be; and that mankind can correct God’s “mistakes”.  This is contrary not only to science, which demonstrates that you cannot convert matter into a different matter (only a different appearance/ form); but contrary to the laws of reality, in that it teaches people that emotions are the sole basis for truth (i.e. “I feel I was born in the wrong body”)

2. It teaches that God must accept the alterations that mankind makes to His creation; refuting all gifts and graces he gives to them by virtue of their birth, in favor of self-assumed gender identities.  

3.  It is a demonic, blasphemous parody of the new life as a new person granted to Christians by virtue of their baptism.  It blasphemes the sacrament by removing instead of sin, the very identity of the person himself; making a new creature, which is born of envy and confusion.

4. It is a blasphemous parody of the story of creation: where instead of God creating male and female to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth to care for it; mankind creates Trans-man and Trans-woman, who are barren and destroy the earth with their demands and insanity.

5. It is a blasphemous parody of the Holy Communion: in that as with the teaching of transubstantiation, the inner substance changes while the outward appearance remains the same;  with transgenderism, the outward appearance changes, while the inner substance remains the same.   It parodies the Rite of Communion, in that the person who claims transgenderism speaks the words of institution “I identify as (insert whatever noun or adjective currently popular for progressives here)”, and they believe that their substance is changed to what they have spoken.

6. It degrades and desecrates the sacred natures of both masculinity and femininity as essential for Creation; mocking them by claiming that one can be the other and that they are interchangeable.  This is contrary not only to Sacred Scripture, but also Science and common sense; which show that no matter the amount of surgery or supplemental hormones that are taken, the individual’s DNA and innermost substance remain the same.

In conclusion:  It is clear that the entire transgender ideology is an abject perversion of the sacred mysteries of the Christian Faith; and must therefore spring not from the God who created all things, but from the Devil, who seeks to destroy all things.    It is a movement which is inspired not by love which is a gift from God; but pride and deceit perpetrated by Satan and his fallen angels.  

It is however noted that this does not lay blame for the deceptions of the transgender movement upon those who have been misled and dreadfully deceived into believing themselves to be transgender; but rather to encourage them and others who may be equally deceived to seek truth in the matter.  People who are so deceived must be treated with the same respect as one has for all peoples; though great care must also be taken not to entertain their misunderstood psychological condition as though it were a matter of simple choice.  It must be noted that as a man can never truly become a woman, and vice versa; the offspring of such a mentality as the transgender ideology effects must not be granted impunity in the face of scrutiny when claiming themselves to be “real” men or women (when they were born the opposite).  

There are distinct, biological differences between men and women; and no amount of surgery or wishful thinking on behalf of those who claim to support this ideology may change that fact. 


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