The Errors of Progressivism

Over the past 4 or 5 years, I have sat back from my chapel porch and watched the world go by; as it is wont to do.  I have watched flowers grow, the trees in my garden sprout new branches and fruit, the grapes in my small vineyard grow and produce their first batch of wine.  I have also watched other things around the churchyard which have needed intervention- weeds which needed pulling, peeling paint which needed re-touching, stains on chapel carpeting which needed cleaning.  There has been much that has gone on here, though most of it only noticeable to my own eye as the one who is caretaker of it.  In this, I feel a connection with the eternal Father: who watches over the whole of creation like the great gardener and caretaker of the universe which He is, and I begin to understand the problems of this world through an empathetic place with our Lord.
Our world today demands ever-increasing progress: Progress for "rights", progress for technology, progress for morality, progress for power and control, and more.  If one does not jump on board immediately with every single new idea which bursts on the scene, modern progressives tell you that you are a rabid conservative fascist who must be destroyed for the sake of their promised "open and affirming" utopia.  Oh, but how quickly these who proclaim a self-indulgent religion of supposed love and peace turn against their fellow man if he is found to not support every single one of their passing and changing fancies!  I have seen this myself in my own years in ministry.   In 10 years, I have gone from being hailed as a peacemaker for my fatherly and pastoral care, to being called a fascist and "ultra-maga" white nationalist; despite none of my opinions on the dignity of persons or their rights being changed in that time.
Seeing the insanity and bile of this world which turns on a dime to consume its own after it has made full use of them and no longer has need for them; I have witnessed firsthand that the ideology of progressivism is intrinsically flawed, and contrary to the laws of nature and the will of God.  To be considered progressive in today's world, one needs not worry one's self with things such as sustainability, dignity of persons, or care for community; no, one only needs concern one's self with self-inflicted outrage when things don't go how you think they should: not because you have any better solutions that are equitable or workable, but because you simply think that you know better because "who you are".    Progressivism is the mother of liberal outrage, birthing only discontent, dissatisfaction, hatred, envy, and violence.  The true issue with the progressive ideology, is that it never stops.   All things, nothing excluded; must always progress because things must progress.   It is the concept of progress for the sake of progress, with no concern for how mankind may use good decisions and planning to build a better society and world than we have found.  
Progress for the sake of progress is contrary to the natural order; as evidenced by the adaptive evolution of creation.  Animals do not simply grow appendages or lose them because they want to, but develop new traits over many eons; so that the community of the creature may continue to thrive even when its environment may change.  It is contrary to the Divine Will, because progressivism walks hand in hand with atheism; claiming that man has no more need of "medieval superstitions", and that man alone is master of the natural order  and can do with it whatever he wishes.  
This universe and the One who created all are older and more vast than our feeble human minds, even collectively; can possibly comprehend.  Progressivism has but one goal in its ideology, and that is to keep pushing man until he finds himself 6 feet below the ground and then it continues on to his successors; not giving a damn for the lives it has steamrolled into the oblivion of darkness and death. 
I am a minister of Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life.  We as shepherds of his flock are set as guardians of the eternal truth, to shine His everlasting and never diminishing light into a world of darkness, which cares only for its pleasures and how far it can distance itself from what is truth.  If encouraging others to walk in the light which is only found through Christ is "conservative", then I suppose I am guilty of that.  Only keep this fact in mind as you progress your way towards eternity: there is only so much land, so much earth, so much firm ground beneath your feet; if you do not hold fast to the anchor of the cross, you'll find yourself progressing right off the cliff and into the gaping jaws of eternal darkness.


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