Easter 2023

 Today we celebrate the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord, following the 40 days we have walked alongside him in the desert of Lent towards the cross of Calvary.

Easter is a joyous time; filled with light, happiness, family, friends, and flowers... absolutely EVERYWHERE you can imagine.  Yes, the Joy of Easter is palpable to all who even simply pass by a church today.  However, what do we make of it?   So many people in our churches these days focus all of their energy on the end holiday of the period, and little to none on the time leading up to it; much like as with Advent and Christmas.  Yes, we want the joy, chocolate, and flowers of Easter; but so many don't want the rest of the story that makes today possible- Suffering, Crucifixion, and Death.  This is endemic of our society, which has grown so dependent on "safe spaces" and coddling; to the point where we can't handle any form of negativity or sadness, only ever focusing on happy things that make us feel good.

But the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Christ are what make Christianity different from other faiths and sects: in that our own Lord came down from heaven to live and walk among us, even more that he was willing to suffer more than most of us can ever even imagine or comprehend; all that he might bring us back to himself forevermore.  

Even worse than those who only want the happy story of the resurrection, are those who deny the essential tenet of the Christian faith that Christ did most truly rise again from the grave.   No less a purported authority on the matter, the president of Union Theological Seminary, Serene Jones; once tweeted that "You can believe in resurrection without believing in a bodily resurrection. Faith is more than adherence to rigid Dogma."    While I am sure Ms. Jones is quite well educated (more's the pity); such a statement shows a colossal amount of ignorance about the truth of the resurrection, as well as of the Christian faith itself.  The very definition of the word "Resurrection" means coming back to life again after death, so, YES; belief in a bodily resurrection is essential to belief in it at all.  Beyond this, the definition of the Christian faith has been laid out quite simply at the beginning of its very existence- in the Scriptures, as well as by the Creeds of the Church.   They may differ in wording and some aspects of thoroughness, but they all agree that in order to be Christian and proclaim the faith of Christ: you must believe in the resurrection of Christ.  There is no getting around it, it is foundational teaching; not "rigid Dogma" which can be painted over with the rainbow brush of modern 'progressive theology'.  

Christ for our sins suffered and died, was raised from the dead and is now glorified: This is truth, and to be a follower of Christ, one must accept it; it is not a matter of personal opinion.

I wish you all a blessed and Joyous Easter, but always remember how great a sacrifice has made this day so great!  


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