The deceptive Heresy of "the Chosen"

 Many Christians in the United States will undoubtedly be aware of a new(er) TV series, which purports to dramatize the life of Christ and his followers.  What most people, even some clergy, do not realize; is the subtle, underlying heresy that this series teaches against the Christian Faith itself.   The show seems to be focusing not on the nature of the people they are supposed to be portraying; but the laws of physical attraction, in the manner in which they both dress the actors, as well as the focus in cinematography on the eyes and faces of the characters.  This introduces the first heretical idea of the show- depicting Christ as purely human, and as such subject to the attractions and desires of human flesh.   That may be simply reading too much into the way in which they film the series, but when one repeatedly hears comments on the series about "how sexy Jesus is", one must ask if the intent was NOT to depict him thus.  The manner of costuming seems to be more focused on modern comfort and showing off arms, legs, and shoulders; quite at odds with the modes of dress at the time of Christ.  

The most obvious, to those of us who know sacred Scripture and the words of Christ; are blatant misrepresentations, and flat out changes to the words and works of Christ as recorded in the Gospels.  The writers of the series express, quite clearly, a modern evangelical notion of "being spiritual" vs. the Spirituality of the Christian Faith.  The flout Christ's own teachings on faith in order to push this modern concept that one doesn't need works, religion, or tradition; to quote the baptist preachers who screamed it at me growing up- "Only Jesus!"

Unfortunately, they neglect the rest of scripture, and even the words of Christ himself. 

My advice to any Christian of sincere faith: Don't watch the series, unless you want your faith to be eroded and insulted by filmmakers with an agenda to do so. 

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