The Blasphemy of the Bishop of Rome

 Ever since the Pan-Amazonian synod in Rome, which saw Idols of pagan deities especially the one known as "Pachamama" carried in procession to one of the holiest places in Christendom; there has been a concerted effort on behalf of the Vatican and South American bishops and cardinals to pagan-ize the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church.  The latest brain child to come of this is a recommendation for the Vatican to approve so-called "Mayan Rites" for South American priests to include; which demote the central act of Christian worship in the Eucharistic service, and would focus more intently on pagan inspired prayers, dances, and lay-led activities in the sanctuary.  The cardinal who has been pushing these rites has even gone so far as to claim that these are the only ways in which the indigenous people are able to encounter the Divine. 

So, 5 centuries plus of missionary work, sweat, blood, and effort have done... Nothing? your Eminence?  

Do you really expect anyone with any functioning brain cells to believe that NO indigenous person has been able to encounter Christ for all that time, until you came along with your hodgepodge of neo-pagan notions and ideas? 

Claiming that adding neo-pagan inspired rituals into Christian worship as "essential" because you think it is the only way someone will encounter God; only serves to trivialize the people you claim to be reaching, and proves just how little you know of the God you claim to serve.  When Francis began his oppression of traditional rites and communities in the church, he began a Satan-inspired rampage which seeks to replace the faith of saints and blessed ones with a neo-pagan inspired hodgepodge of his own desiring.  The Roman Catholic Church is ceasing to be a Catholic Church at all anymore, and has become rather the Church of Bergoglio.   Here entereth AntiChrist; which seeks to undermine and replace the Savior with someone who the 'progressives' view as being one in spirit with Christ.  

I call on all Christians and Catholics, Roman and Non-Roman, to resist this spirit of AntiChrist which occupies the Papal Throne in Rome.  


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